
Study Reveals Key Trends for the Project Management's Future


The study "Gehalt und Karriere im Projektmanagement 2024" is a collaboration between EBS Universität and GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e.V.

Oestrich-Winkel, 26.02.2025 


The study "Gehalt und Karriere im Projektmanagement 2024", a collaboration between EBS Universität and GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e.V., provides a comprehensive analysis of salary and career trends in project management. The findings reveal that the profession has undergone significant changes over the past five years: while salaries have increased noticeably and new career paths have emerged, key challenges such as the gender pay gap remain.


Continuing Education as a Key to Career Success

A central finding of the study is the significant correlation between qualifications and salary levels. In particular, professionals with higher IPMA certifications (Level A and B) rank among the top earners in project management. “Our study shows that lifelong learning is a decisive factor for long-term career success. Companies and professionals should increasingly focus on qualification to remain competitive,” emphasizes EBS researcher and study co-author Christoph Schneider.


Career Advancement and Work-Life Balance in Transition

Beyond financial aspects, the study also examined career paths and job satisfaction. The results indicate that work-life balance in project management has improved and promotion opportunities are more clearly structured. The analysis suggests that companies are increasingly establishing flexible work models and transparent career paths to retain skilled professionals in the long run.


Artificial Intelligence as a Future Factor in Project Management

For the first time, the study also addresses the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in project work. The analysis reveals that AI-powered applications are already being used in the planning and initiation phases of projects, though their full potential has yet to be realized. “AI will fundamentally change project management in the coming years – those who engage with its possibilities early on can gain competitive advantages,” explains Christoph Schneider.


Need for Action: Gender-Equal Pay Remains a Challenge

Despite positive developments in salary structures, the gender pay gap remains one of the key challenges in project management. The study shows that, on average, women still earn about 20 percent less than their male colleagues, highlighting the continued need for action. The study’s findings make it clear that companies must implement structural measures to ensure fair compensation and equal opportunities in the long term.


The full study "Gehalt und Karriere im Projektmanagement 2024" can be accessed here.

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