The faculty of EBS Law School
The lecturers and researchers at EBS Law School are experienced experts who prepare our students in the best possible way and contribute to excellence in education and research.

Our lecturers and researchers at a glance

Our research and teaching assistants
The research and teaching assistants of EBS Law School are an important part of our university. They contribute to the high-quality education at EBS Universität through their teaching and research work. They are actively engaged in their respective fields to keep abreast of the latest developments and trends and to best prepare students for their careers.
Our external lecturers
EBS Law School has a wide range of external lecturers who bring their experience and expertise from the legal practice into the classroom. Our experienced lecturers from various fields of law ensure that our students receive a well-founded and practice-oriented education. This enables them to prepare themselves in the best possible way for the challenges of today's legal practice and to get to know different legal professions better.
- Prof. Dr. Max Urchs, Professor of Philosophy of Science (Emeritus)
- Dr. Simone Breit, specialist lawyer for criminal law, Knierim & Kollegen law firm
- Nicolas Brusenbauch, Graduate Lawyer, Saarland University
- Julie Stratmann, PhD student and Associate, Hengeler Mueller
- Philipp Feth, Research Assistant, Clifford Chance
- Sophia Brinkmann, Legal Assistant
- Eichhoff, Judge, Local Court Wiesbaden
- Dr. Andreas Baumert, Specialist Lawyer for Commercial and Corporate Law, Law Firm Schultze & Braun, Honorary Professor at the University of Public Administration Kehl
- Dr. Georg Weidenbach, specialist lawyer for antitrust law, law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wilsing, specialist lawyer for corporate law and M&A, Linklaters LLP
- Dr. Philipp von Randow, lawyer, retired partner Latham & Watkins LLP
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Erich Schanze, Professor of Civil Law, Comparative Law and International Business Law, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- Dr. Emanuel H. F. Ballo, specialist lawyer for commercial law, criminal law and partner at DLA-Piper
- Dr. Andreas Löhdefink, M&A specialist lawyer and partner at Gleiss Lutz
- Dr. Oliver Seiler, specialist in equity capital markets and partner at Latham & Watkins LLP
- Dr. Bernhard Seyderhelm, Judge at the Regional Court of Frankfurt, Ombudsman of the private banks
- Dr. Josef Hainz, specialist in German and European antitrust law and partner at Dentons
- Prof. Dr. Georgios Zagouras, Member of the Legal Services, European Central Bank
- Dr. Chryssa Papathanassiou, Team Lead Legal Counsel, European Central Bank
- Dr. Dr. Johannes Blassl, specialist lawyer for banking and capital markets law and partner at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
- Dr. Phillip W. Brunst, Head of a German Federal Authority, research in information law, legal informatics, cybercrime, cyberterrorism
- Dr. Johanna Wenckebach, Scientific Director of the Hugo Sinzheimer Institute for Labour and Social Law of the Hans Böckler Foundation, Honorary Judge at the Federal Labour Court
- Sabine Schmidt-Nentwig, President of the Regional Court of Gießen
- Prof. Dr. Philipp B. Donath, Professor of Law. Goethe University Frankfurt
- Dr. Christoph Nickolaus, Specialist Lawyer for Criminal Law, Traut Law Firm
- Paul-Albert Schullerus, specialist lawyer for social law and mediator, Schullerus Law Firm
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Stefan Muckel, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law University of Cologne
- Dr. Markus Richter, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs and Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology
- Prof. Dr. Ralf Köbler, President of the Regional Court of Darmstadt
- Micha Grupp, CEO BRYTER and Co-Director BRYTER Center for Digitalization & Law
- Dr. Micha-Manuel Bues, COO of BRYTER and Co-Director BRYTER Center for Digitalization & Law Translated with (free version)