EBS Universität receives the German Education Award 2024/2025
EBS Universität is among the winners of the "German Education Award 2024/2025 in the category "Private Universities (Universities of Applied Sciences).

This is the third time the prize is being awarded by the news channel ntv, in cooperation with the German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ).
The German Education Award is the result of an extensive consumer survey in Germany, in which over 38,000 opinions were obtained. In total, consumers rated more than 460 institutions in the education sector. The aim of the survey is to identify the best and most recommendable institutions in the areas education, service and quality.
The survey focussed on various criteria: the variety and quality of the service, the benefits and availability, reliability and satisfaction with the price-performance ratio. The willingness to recommend an institution and overall customer satisfaction were also analysed in detail. Companies from 54 different categories were considered, covering the entire education sector spectrum - from schools and universities to language schools and providers of continuing professional development.
EBS Universität is delighted to be among the best in its category and to see the award as an incentive to continue to offer excellence in research and teaching.