
From EBS network to successful scale-up: EBS alumnus Matteo Benedetti


In this interview, EBS alumnus Matteo Benedetti talks about the success factors of his company Debtist, the challenges of rapid growth and the formative role of the EBS network in his entrepreneurial journey.

EBS: Your startup is reportedly one of the fastest-growing ventures to emerge from the EBS network. Could you tell us more about the company and its mission?

Matteo Benedetti: Debtist is a scale up that offers end-to-end receivables management and collection. We provide a comprehensive suite of services that covers everything post-invoicing, including whitelabel payment reminders, pre-court collections, and court collections across Europe. Our main differentiator is our emphasis on pre-court collections, offering a unique blend of software-enabled services rather than just being a software provider. We are a one-stop shop that takes the hassle off our clients’ shoulders, delivering best-in-class services through a uniquely built software suite.


EBS: What do you believe were the key factors that contributed to your startup's rapid growth?

Matteo Benedetti: Our rapid growth is primarily driven by the synergy between my co-founders and me. Success in business is rarely a solo journey, and our complementary skill set has been crucial—our extroverts focus on sales, the introverts handle tech, and I, positioned somewhere in the middle, manage operations and increasingly support our growing sales teams. Moreover, the strong support network from my time at EBS has been invaluable. An angel group formed around my EBS intake provided critical early-stage funding. Additionally, my network at McKinsey, where I worked before founding Debtist, played a pivotal role. The connections and lessons from EBS, in particular, have significantly shaped our path and continue to fuel our success.


EBS: Every entrepreneurial journey comes with challenges. What were some of the major obstacles you faced in starting and scaling your business, and how did you overcome them?

Matteo Benedetti: Trust-building was our initial hurdle; gaining reputable clients and partners early on was a game-changer. Today, our primary challenge is hiring as we aim to expand our team to 40 FTE by Q1 next year, up from our current 25 FTE. Finding and retaining talent is more complex than I initially thought. It’s not just about offering competitive pay or having a cool company—many businesses do that. It’s about finding the right people who fit our culture and mission, which is our current focus.


EBS: Leadership is crucial in any startup. How would you describe your leadership style, and how has it evolved as your company has grown?

Matteo Benedetti: Initially, I envisioned myself adopting a data-driven, high-performance-oriented leadership style, reflecting my corporate background. However, as my co-founder Tony also leans heavily towards results, I naturally adapted to a more people-centric approach, focusing on emotions and team cohesion. This balance between data-driven decision-making and empathetic leadership has become essential as our team has grown.


EBS: How did your time at EBS shape your mindset as an entrepreneur? Were there any specific courses, mentors, or experiences that influenced your decision to start your own company?

Matteo Benedetti: My time at EBS was incredibly formative. Despite pursuing further studies at Bocconi, the foundation built at EBS drove me towards M&A, consulting, and ultimately entrepreneurship. An early inspiration was Philipp Hartmann, an alumnus who shared his entrepreneurial journey, stressing how fortunate he felt to have chosen startups over traditional paths like banking or consulting. That moment solidified my resolve to become an entrepreneur. The influence of other EBS entrepreneurs, such as Kai Klapal from Plutus and Samuel Pemsel from Jobluck, further reinforced my belief that entrepreneurship was my path.


EBS: How has the EBS network supported you in building and growing your business? Do you feel that being part of the EBS community has given you an advantage as an entrepreneur?

Matteo Benedetti: The EBS network has been instrumental, particularly through key investor support. Andreas de Greiff, a fellow alumnus, quickly recognized our mission and helped rally other EBS alumni to support our funding efforts. This level of community-driven support is unique and has been a critical factor in our journey. I frequently connect with other EBS graduates who offer advice and assistance, creating a strong foundation for ongoing growth.


EBS: Looking ahead, what are the next big steps for your company? What is your long-term vision for its growth?

Matteo Benedetti: With EUR 3 million in Annual Recurring Revenue and profitability already achieved, our next goal is scaling. We serve over 150 clients, including 20 enterprise customers, and our aim is to reach EUR 10 million in ARR by next year. This growth will come from deepening our presence in existing markets and exploring new, untapped opportunities.


EBS: What role does EBS play in your entrepreneurial journey now?

Matteo Benedetti: Beyond client acquisition, where EBS alumni are often my first call, I see the potential to leverage our entrepreneurial network further. EBS boasts an impressive array of entrepreneurs, and I believe by fostering more collaboration and engaging actively in events and networking opportunities, we can elevate each other and achieve even greater success.


EBS: What advice would you give to current EBS students who are considering starting their own business?

Matteo Benedetti: My advice might seem unconventional: don’t rush into starting right away. Early in my career, I dabbled in ventures that didn’t scale due to my limited network and experience. I chose to build my skills at McKinsey first, gaining insights into business operations and establishing a track record. It’s like building a rocket instead of a car—it takes more time and effort upfront, but once it’s ready, it will outpace the rest.




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