EBS student Maja Schneider selected for the WiWi-Talent High Potential Programme
In the interview, Maja Schneider reflects on her journey at EBS and shares insights on academic influence, networking and future aspirations.

EBS: You were recently honoured as one of the WiWi Talents of the Year 2024. Congratulations! What does this award mean to you personally and how have your studies at EBS influenced both your academic and professional career:
Maja Schneider: Many thanks! This award means a great deal to me personally. It is a recognition and reward for the work and ambition I put into my studies. To have been selected as one of 17 students is a really special feeling and is a great motivation for my future career. EBS has encouraged me to stay curious and set high standards for myself and my achievements. Thanks to the close exchange with the professors, you have opportunities to inquire and to scrutinise. Of course, the practical nature of the course helps a lot in the working student job.
EBS: You will be finishing your Bachelor's degree at EBS this year. During your studies at EBS, which projects or initiatives, and which professors or mentors have particularly influenced and inspired you?
Maja Schneider: At the beginning of my studies, the onboarding project taught me right from the outset how to deal with unknown and challenging situations. I also learned a lot from the Social Impact Project, not least a deeper understanding of social tasks and responsibilities - including those of companies. During my time as Marketing Ressort Leader, together with Chiara Geggus, I was able to take on responsibility early on and make a direct conribution to the student body. Apart from that, I was greatly inspired by Prof. Krause, Prof. Dato, Prof. Mattmüller and Prof. Kragl with their enthusiasm for their fields of research. A special thank you goes to Dr. Janina Krick, who supervised my Bachelor's thesis and always encouraged me in my topic and supported me professionally.
EBS: How did you benefit from the networking opportunities and connections you made at EBS and what skills and knowledge gaine at EBS do you find most valuable for your future career?
Maja Schneider: First and foremost, the networking opportunities at EBS have given me direct insight into various professional fields and industries, which has helped me with orientation and as preparation. In particular the coaching programme was very valuable to me and has helped me to know myself better and to better define my skills and goals. I think the most important skills and knowledge I have gained during my time at EBS, in addition to a strong professional understanding, are openness, respect, curiosity, courage and a sense of responsibility.
EBS: How do you envisage your career path after graduation and what are your long-term professsional and personal goals?
Maja Schneider: First of all, I will be doing a 6-month internship in product management in the automotive industry, followed by another internship in brand management in the FMCG sector. Based on the experience gained during these internships and my previous work experience, I will then go for a Master's degree in economics to gain more in-depth knowledge in the field I want to work in. In future, I would like to have a job with management responsibility and a positive impact which will challenge and inspire me in the long term. It is important to me to always reflect, to grow personally and to learn from strong personalities around me.
EBS: Is there that one special moment or one special experience during your time at EBS that you will never forget?
Maja Schneider: Definitely my semester abroad in Washington D.C. and the Bachelor thesis phase! And, of course, all those wonderful moments together with my friends at EBS.
EBS: What qualities do you think make a successful leader and how did EBS help you to develop them?
Maja Schneider: I believe that it is important for leaders now and in the years to come to always question things, to be open and mentally alert, and to be responsible and goal oriented. The courses on offer and the professors at EBS have played a big role in helping me to develop these skills in the 3 years of my Bachelor's degree and I really value them.
EBS: What, in your opinion, are the biggest challenges facing leaders today?
Maja Schneider: At present, we are faced with uncertainty and upheaval. In particular climate change, but also current economic and political events, will fundamentally change the way we conduct business, and we must meet these challenges with openness and determination.
EBS: What advice would you give current EBS students for their future and what are you particularly proud of?
Maja Schneider: I would like to advise current and future EBS students to take advantage of as many chances and opportunities as possible during their studies, to build their personal network and to always go that extra mile. And even if no-one wants to hear it: go to lectures and prepare for them DURING the semester! This not only takes the stress out of it but also ensures that what you have learned sinks in better ;)
I am particulary proud of the fact that I stayed focussed throughout the 3 yeras and that I have made friends with really great people.
EBS: What do you in your free time to find a balance to your studies?
Maja Schneider: Spending time with my family, cooking with friends and sport.
EBS: Thank you for the interview!