
Entrepreneurship & Family Firm Institute (EFFI)

The Entrepreneurship & Family Firm Institute (EFFI) is a driving force in the field of family business and entrepreneurship. As an interface between science, business and teaching, we promote knowledge and skills that enable entrepreneurs and students to successfully master the challenges of today's and tomorrow's working world.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Waldkirch

EBS Alumni Chair for Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Family-Owned Firms

About us

  • We build the scientific foundation for future entrepreneurial action by conducting rigiours and practically relevant academic research on current and future challenges.
  • We translate scientific evidence to entrepreneurial practice, create new knowledge through close practice collaborations, and and promote entrepreneurial exchange between practice and academia.
  • We educate talented students and professionals to become responsible entrepreneurs by imparting relevant knowledge and building sustainable connections between entrepreneurs and students.

The Entrepreneurship & Family Firm Institute (EFFI) creates new and meaningful knowledge at the intersection of entrepreneurship, responsible ownership, and new work.

EBS Best Paper Award

Call for papers

19th EBS Best Paper Award 2024 on innovation, corporate entrepreneurship and transformation


The EBS Universität annually honors outstanding scientific papers with high practical relevance on Innovation, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Transformation. By focusing on both cutting-edge research and practical implications, the awarded papers provide state-of-the-art insights for academics and practitioners equally.


This year's EBS Best Paper Award ceremony will take place on 8 October at the Campus Schloss of EBS Universität. All information and registration for the event can be found here:

EBS Best Paper Award ceremony

Papers submitted must have been published or accepted from in a scientific journal after May 1st 2023, and must not have been submitted to past EBS Best Paper Awards. Submissions are assessed by the jury with regards to scientific excellence and practical relevance. The authors of the three most outstanding papers are invited to present their work on October 8th, 2024 at EBS Universität in Oestrich-Winkel, Germany. Part of the travel expenses will be reimbursed by EBS Universität. Evaluating both presentation and discussion, the jury will nominate the winner. The jury consists of industry experts and academics.


Submission Deadline: June 15th, 2024 [23.59 UTC]

The best three papers will be awarded with:

  • 1st prize: € 1,500    
  • 2nd prize: € 1,250
  • 3rd prize: € 750

Please follow this link  below to fill out our application survey. You will be asked to submit a non-copyright version of the paper, the CVs, and, if necessary, proof of acceptance via this form.

Best Paper Award 2024 application survey

The jury is composed of internal EBS professors and practitioners from well-known businesses who will jointly evaluate the submitted work and the presentations of the three finalists based on various criteria such as practical relevance and novelty.

This year's jury members include:

  • Prof. Dr. Katrin Burmeister-Lamp, Professor of Entrepreneurship at EBS Universität.
  • Dr. Katja Dippold-Schenk, Head of Digital Innovation & Methods at Uvex
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Fuchs, Siemens Advanta Consulting, Professor for Lifecycle Management and Innovation at EBS Universität
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann, Assistant Professor for Product Innovation at EBS Universität
  • Prof. Dr. Karin Kreutzer, Professor for Social Business at EBS Universität
  • Dr. Marc Launer, Director of Advanced Research & Product Concept at Boeing
  • Dina Reit, CEO at SK Laser
  • Prof. Dr. Christof Schimank, Partner Horvarth & Partner, Honorary Professor for Corporate Management at EBS Universität
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Waldkirch, Professor for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in family-led firms at EBS Universität, Director Entrepreneurship & Family Firm Institute (EFFI)".

  • 2023: „Employee Incentives and Family Firm Innovation: A Configurational Approach“, Journal of Management. Prof. Dr. Elisa Villani (Università di Bologna), Prof. Dr. Christian Linder (ESCP Business School), Prof. Dr. Alfredo De Massis (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano), Prof. Dr. Kimberly A. Eddleston (Northeastern University).
  • 2022: „When do Novel Business Models lead to High Performance? A Configurational Approach to Value Drivers, Competitive Strategy, and Firm Environment”, Academy of Management Journal. Prof. Dr. Petteri Leppänen, Assistant Professor für Strategie, Innovation und Entre-preneurship (IE Business School); Prof. Dr. Gerry George, Professor für Entrepreneurship und Innovation (Georgetown University); Prof. Dr. Oliver Alexy, Professor für Innovation und Organisationsdesign (Technische Universität München)
  • 2021: “A Knowledge-based View of Managing Dependence on a Key Customer: Survival and Growth Outcomes for Young Firms”, Journal of Business Venturing. Prof. Dr. Lien Denoo, Professorin für Entrepreneurship (Tilburg University); Prof. Dr. Helena Yli-Renko † (University of Southern California), Prof. Dr. Ramkumar Janakiraman, Professor für Marketing (University of South Carolina)


If you have any further questions or problems with the application, please contact Prof. Dr. Katrin Burmeister-Lamp or send us an email to bestpaperaward(at)

Our Research

The Entrepreneurship & Family Firm Institute (EFFI) is conducting research in the areas of family business, entrepreneurship, and new work. Our publications provide new, multidisciplinary insights into current and future challenges and are published in leading international and national journals.


On this page, you will find EFFI’s current publications ; the collection is continuously updated. EFFI’s research is regularly presented at leading international conferences.


  • Meurer, M., Waldkirch, M., Schou, P.K., Bucher, E., Burmeister-Lamp, K. (2022). Digital affordances: how entrepreneurs access support in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Small Bus Econ 58, 637–663.

  • Meurer, M. M., Waldkirch, M., Schou, P. K., Bucher, E., & Burmeister-Lamp, K. (2021). Entrepreneurial support seeking and affordances in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 12911). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
  • Schlüter, A., Waldkirch, M., Burmeister-Lamp, K., Auernhammer, J. (2021). No second chance for a first impression: the role of aesthetics in early access video games. International Journal of Innovation Management.

  • Astrachan, C., Waldkirch, M., Michiels, A., Pieper, T. & Bernhard, F. (2020). Professionalizing the Business Family: The Five Pillars of Competent, Committed and Sustainable Ownership. Family Firm Institute Research
  • Querbach, S., Waldkirch, M., & Kammerlander, N. (2020). Benefitting from benefits - A comparison of employee satisfaction in family and non-family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 100351.
  • Waldkirch, M. (2020). Illuminating the Space Between: Investigating Interpersonal Relationships in Family Firms Through Qualitative Inquiry. In A. De Massis & N. Kammerlander (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Family Business: 270–282. London: Edward Elgar.
  • Waldkirch, M. (2020). Non-family CEOs in family firms: Spotting gaps and challenging assumptions for a future research agenda. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 11(1), 100305.

  • Hsu, D.K., Burmeister-Lamp, K., Simmons, S.A., Hong, M., Pipes, J., Foo, M.-D. (2019). “I know I can, but I don’t fit”: Perceived fit, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention, Journal of Business Venturing 34, 311-326.

  • Smolka, K., Verheul, I., Burmeister-Lamp, K., Heugens, P. (2018). Get it together! Synergistic effects of causal and effectual decision-making logics on venture performance, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 42(4), 571-604.
  • Zhu, F., Burmeister-Lamp, K., Hsu, D., Fan, S. (2018). An investigation on entrepreneurs’ venture persistence decision: The contingency effect of psychological ownership and adversity, Applied Psychology: An International Review 67(1), 136-170.

  • Luebke, J., Kommentierung der §§ 717, 723 BGB, in: Gsell/Krüger/Lorenz/Reymann (Gesamthrsg.), beck-online.Grosskommentar (BeckOGK) zum Zivilrecht, Stand: 1.7.2021 (wird laufend aktualisiert)
  • Luebke, J., Die Nichtigkeitsklage des Insolvenzverwalters, die Zustellung der Klageschrift und die Liste der Aufsichtsratsmitglieder als Rechtsscheinträger – Besprechung von BGH II ZR 412/17 und II ZR 56/18, jew. v. 21.4.2020, Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht (ZGR) 2021, 156
  • Luebke, J., Die binnenmarktliche Kapital- und Zahlungsverkehrsfreiheit, in: Müller-Graff (Hrsg.), Europäisches Wirtschaftsordnungsrecht, Enzyklopädie Europarecht Bd. 4, 2. Aufl., Baden-Baden 2021, S. 307 ff.
  • Luebke, J., Privatautonome Verhaltensvorgaben für Gesellschafter-Erben, Archiv für die civilistische Praxis (AcP) 202, 827 (Rubrik „Forschung im Selbstportrait“)
  • Luebke, J., Investitionsabkommen in der Kompetenzordnung der Europäischen Union – zugleich zu EuGH Gutachten 1/17 (CETA), Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union (GPR) 2020, 21
  • Luebke, J., Die Auswirkungen des Brexits auf die Personenfreizügigkeit, in: Kramme/Baldus/Schmidt-Kessel (Hrsg.), Brexit. Privat- und wirtschaftsrechtliche Folgen, 2. Aufl., Baden-Baden 2020, S. 259 ff.

Network & partner

The Entrepreneurship & Family Firm Institute (EFFI) is closely connected to the corporate environment, seeking to transfer scientific knowledge into business practice. EFFI provides platforms for entrepreneurial exchange and develops projects with pratice partners from the business community that build novel insights and solutions to current and future business challenges.

EFFI supports its partners in the sustainable development and renewal of their companies. We create and maintain a network of successful family businesses through strong partnerships, exciting projects, and inspiring events.

EFFI is hosting the following events:

EBS Family Business Club - An EBS club that organizes events, mentoring, thesis collaborations, and company visits. The goal is to bring family business owners and students together.

EBS Leadership Impulse - Digital workshop series for entrepreneurs and executives from family businesses.

If you’d like to get involved, or join our community, get in touch.

The Entrepreneurship & Family Firm Institute (EFFI) is focused on educating the next generation of responsible, entrepreneurially-minded students. As such, we strongly involve students in our activities. EFFI facilitates conversations among students, academics, and entrepreneurs, giving students have the chance to build connections with family entrepreneurs and, at the same time, gain new scientific insights with practical relevance. In doing so, EFFI encourages students to think entrepreneurially and to act responsibly in the future.


EFFI initiated the following student-focused initiatives:


  • EBS Family Business Club
    We organize events, mentoring, thesis collaborations, and company visits. The goal is to bring family business owners and students together.
  • EBS Case Competition Team
    EBS participates in the international Family Enterprise Case Competition and gives students the chance to be coached and supported by EFFI in a case competition.
  • EFFI’s Thesis 
    EFFI offers the opportunity to write theses on topics related to family business, entrepreneurship, and new work.

The Team


Matthias Waldkirch

EBS Alumni Chair for Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Family-Owned Firms

View profile +49 6723 9168 342

Katrin Burmeister-Lamp

Professor of Entrepreneurship

View profile +49 6723 9168 347
External Lecturers

Niklas Bartelt

Honorary professor for finance

View profile

Further information on research at EBS


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Please use our study counseling form.


Do you have questions about our executive education programmes?

Feel free to contact the EBS Executive School team via email or via phone.

Contact to our schools

Rheingaustraße 1
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
+49 6723 9168 0 Anfahrt planen

Rheingaustraße 1
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
+49 6723 9168 0 Anfahrt planen

Hauptstraße 31
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
+49 6723 9168 610 Anfahrt planen

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  • Content of studies
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  • Funding opportunities
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