Prof. Dr. Matthias Waldkirch
EBS Alumni Stiftungsprofessur für Entrepreneurship und Innovation in Familienunternehmen

- Entrepreneurship
- Family Business
- Strategic Leadership
- Online communities
- Innovation
- Human Resources Management
Curriculum Vitae
Seit März 2019 ist Matthias Waldkirch Assistenzprofessor für „Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family-Owned Firms“ an der EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht. In seiner Forschung verbindet Matthias Waldkirch Führungs- und Human Relations Ansätze sowie Entrepreneurship und Innovation im Kontext von Familienunternehmen. Seine Forschung baut dabei auf qualitative Prozessforschung sowie Fallstudien auf. Er hat einen Bachelor Abschluss in International Business Administration der Europa-Universität Viadrina, Deutschland, und einen Master-Abschluss in Managing in a Global Context der Jönköping International Business School, Schweden. Er promovierte in Betriebswirtschaft an der Jönköping International Business School, wo er dem Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO) angegliedert war.
Matthias Waldkirch hat International Business Administration an der Europa-Universität Viadrina studiert, bevor er seinen Master in Managing in a Global Context an der Jönköping International Business School in Schweden absolviert hat. Er hat als Teil des Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO) an der Jönköping International Business School in Schweden zum Thema Fremdgeschäftsführung promoviert. Matthias Waldkirch ist Mitglied des Gutachterboard der Zeitschrift Journal of Family Business Strategy und aktiver Gutachter für mehrere führende Zeitschriften im Bereich Familienunternehmen und Entrepreneurship. Seine Forschung wurde auf führenden internationalen Konferenzen präsentiert und unter anderem im "Human Resource Management Review" und im "Journal of Family Business Strategy" veröffentlicht. In den letzten Jahren war Matthias Waldkirch als Gastforscher beim Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research an der Stanford University, USA, an der University of British Columbia, Vancouver, am Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexiko, und an der Texas A&M University, USA, tätig. Seine Lehrtätigkeit konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf Unternehmertum und Innovation sowie Innovation und Familienunternehmen.
- WALDKIRCH, M., BELSCHNER, R., KAMMERLANDER, N. (in press). Taking Charge: A Configurational Perspective on Post-Succession Change in Family Firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
- BUCHER, E., SCHOU, P. K., WALDKIRCH, M. (2023). Just Another Voice in the Crowd? Investigating Digital Voice Formation in the Gig Economy. Academy of Management Discoveries. doi:10.5465/amd.2022.0112.
- JUNGK, S., WALDKIRCH, M. (2023). When crises meet grand environmental challenges: Navigating intertemporal tensions in European manufacturing family firms. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 1-25. doi:10.1080/08985626.2023.2275065.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2022). Digital affordances: how entrepreneurs access support in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Small Business Economics, 58 (2), 637-663. doi:10.1007/s11187-021-00540-2.
- SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., WALDKIRCH, M. (2022). Entrepreneurial learning in online communities. Small Business Economics, 58, 2087–2108. doi:10.1007/s11187-021-00502-8.
- QUERBACH, S., WALDKIRCH, M., KAMMERLANDER, N. (2022). Benefitting from benefits—A comparison of employee satisfaction in family and non-family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 13 (2), 100351. doi:10.1016/j.jfbs.2020.100351.
- LEHMANN, J., WEBER, F., WALDKIRCH, M., GRAF-VLACHY, L., KÖNIG, A. (2022). Institutional work battles in the sharing economy: Unveiling actors and discursive strategies in media discourse. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 184, 122002. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122002.
- SCHLÜTER, A., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., AUERNHAMMER, J. (2021). No Second Chance for a First Impression: The Role of Aesthetics in Early Access Video Games. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25 (10), 2140002. doi:10.1142/S1363919621400028.
- QUERBACH, S., KAMMERLANDER, N., SINGH, J., WALDKIRCH, M. (2021). Pragmatic learning in family SMEs: a qualitative study of functional overload among family SME owner-managers. Journal of Knowledge Managment, 26 (2), 375-402. doi:10.1108/JKM-08-2020-0657.
- WALDKIRCH, M. (2020). Non-Family CEOs in Family Firms: Spotting Gaps and Challenging Assumptions for a Future Research Agenda. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 11 (1), 100305. doi:10.1016/j.jfbs.2019.100305.
- WALDKIRCH, M., BUCHER, E., SCHOU, P. K. (2020). Pacifying the Algorithm – Anticipatory compliance in the face of algorithmic management in the gig economy. Organization, 28 (1), 44-67.
- WALDKIRCH, M., NORDQVIST, M., MELIN, L. (2018). CEO turnover in family firms: How social exchange relationships influence whether a non-family CEO stays or leaves.. Human Resource Management Review, 28 (1), 56-67. doi:
- RISSE, T., WALDKIRCH, M., MEURER, M. M. (2024). True or False? How Audiences Collectively Identify Deceptive Entrepreneurial Storytelling. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings.
- WALDKIRCH, M., HARRER, J. (2019). Auf der sicheren Seite? Warum Sicherheit für die Familie und ihr Unternehmen von besonderer Wichtigkeit ist. Zeitschrift für Familienunternehmen und Strategie, pp. 108-113. München.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (in press). Configurations Of Digital Entrepreneurial Identity: Investigating Barriers And Drivers Of Online Support. Babson College.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (in press). Help! I need somebody – investigating entrepreneurs’ support-seeking behavior in online communities during covid-19 pandemic. Babson College, 2021.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Entrepreneurial support seeking and affordances in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1), pp. 12911.
- WALDKIRCH, M. (2018). What We Do in the Shadows: Unpacking the Interplay of Formal and Informal Structures. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.
- WALDKIRCH, M., MELIN, L., NORDQVIST, M. (2017). When the Cure Turns Counterproductive: Parallel Professionalization in Family Firms. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.
- WALDKIRCH, M., NORDQVIST, M., MELIN, L. (2016). Relationship cohesion and affective attachment between the owner family and CEO in family firms. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.
- RISSE, T., WALDKIRCH, M., MEURER, M. M. (2024). True or false? How audiences collectively identify deceptive entrepreneurial storytelling. Academy of Management Conference.
- RISSE, T., WALDKIRCH, M., MEURER, M. M. (2024). True or false? How audiences collectively identify deceptive entrepreneurial storytelling. European Group of Organizational Studies.
- SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., WALDKIRCH, M., GRÜNWALD, E. (2022). We Did Start the Fire r/wallstreetbets, Flash movements and the Gamestop Short-Squeeze. 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2021.
- MEURER, M. M., LORENZ, F., WALDKIRCH, M. (2022). With a little help from my entrepreneurial peers: unraveling collective sensemaking on business model innovation in online communities. PDW Creative spark workshop Berlin.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M. (2022). Configurations of optimal identity distinctiveness among entrepreneurs as drivers of legitimacy. RENT Conference 2022.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M. (2022). Qualitative Text Comparative Analysis (QTCA). 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
- MEURER, M. M., MAICHER, L., WALDKIRCH, M. (2022). Let’s trade-off economic goals and socio-emotional wealth: finding the optimal non-family executive in family firms. International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2022.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2022). Configurations of digital entrepreneurial identity: investigating barriers and drivers of online support. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2022.
- WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L. (2021). Vox Populi et Vox Regni: Investigating digital voice channels in the gig economy. 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Digital Meeting.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Entrepreneurial support seeking and affordances in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Digital Meeting.
- BUCHER, E. L., SCHOU, P. K., WALDKIRCH, M. (2021). Vox Populi et Vox Regni: Investigating digital voice channels in the gig economy. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, Digital Meeting.
- BUCHER, E. L., SCHOU, P. K., WALDKIRCH, M. (2021). Sheriffs, patriots and steady hands – Institutional maintenance in online gun rights communities. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, Digital Meeting.
- DILLENBERGER, K., WALDKIRCH, M. (2021). Improvising the New Normal: A Processual Perspective on Improvisational Tuning of Organizational Solutions as Response to the Covid-19 Crisis in Higher Education. 12th International Process Symposium, Rhodes.
- BRUMANA, M., MINOLA, T., WALDKIRCH, M., NORDQVIST, M. (2021). When control fosters autonomy: A qualitative inquiry in parent-venture dyads. 16th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research.
- LORENZ, F., MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M. (2021). With a little help from my entrepreneurial peers: unravelling collective sensemaking on business model innovation in online communities. PDW Creative spark workshop Berlin.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Configurations of digital entrepreneurial identity: investigating drivers of uncivil communication. 5th International QCA Paper Development Workshop (PDW) 2021.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Configurations of digital entrepreneurial identity: investigating barriers and drivers of online support. 5th CEnSE Urban and Regional Economics Workshop on Recent Advances in Entrepreneurship.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Help! I need somebody – investigating entrepreneurs’ support-seeking behavior in online communities during covid-19 pandemic. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2021.
- WALDKIRCH, M., FISCHER, T. (2020). Precious Cheap Talk: How Ownership Structure Affects Clarity of CEO Communication. Strategic Management Society - Annual Conference.
- VERMEHREN, P., WALDKIRCH, M. (2020). The Dark Side of Long-Term Orientation – Information Processing in Family Firms. International Family Enterprise Research Academy - Annual Conference.
- WALDKIRCH, M. (2019). Pulled Apart but Held Together: Job System Change as a Contestation Process. 79th Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- WALDKIRCH, M., QUERBACH, S., KAMMERLANDER, N. (2019). Benefitting from Benefits – A Comparison of Employee Happiness in Family and Non-Family Firms. 9. Konferenz der deutschsprachigen Forschungszentren und Institute für Familienunternehmen (FIFU).
- WALDKIRCH, M., RAMIREZ-PASILLAS, M., DANA, L.-P., LUNDBERG, H. (2019). Mexican Spirit(S): A Study of Indigenous Family Entrepreneurship. International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 2019 Annual Conference.
- WALDKIRCH, M., QUERBACH, S., KAMMERLANDER, N. (2019). Job Benefits and Employee Happiness in Family and Non-Family Firms – The Role of Cultural Differences. International Family Enterprise Research Academy (ifera) - Annual Conference.
- WALDKIRCH, M., FISCHER, T. (2019). Precious cheap talk? Understanding how ownership structure affects clarity of ceo communication. 10TH EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research.
- WALDKIRCH, M., QUERBACH, S., KAMMERLANDER, N. (2019). Job Benefits and Employee Happiness in Family and Non-Family Firms – The Role of Cultural Differences. 9. Konferenz der deutschsprachigen Forschungszentren und Institute für Familienunternehmen (FIFU).
- WALDKIRCH, M., BRUMANA, M., MINOLA, T., NORDQVIST, M. (2018). Mobilization of Capitals and Risk Perception in Internal Corporate Venturing. International Family Enterprise Research Academy - Annual Conference.
- WALDKIRCH, M., MELIN, L., NORDQVIST, M. (2017). When the Cure Turns Counterproductive: Parallel Professionalization in Family Firms. Proceedings of the Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. G.Atinc.
- WALDKIRCH, M. (2017). It’s all about love and hate, and how to balance them”: Navigating ambivalence in the process of CEO succession. European Group for Organisation Studies.
- WALDKIRCH, M., BORNHAUSEN, A. M., KUEHL, K. (2017). Opening the Black Box of Financing Decision Making: Process, Actors and Arenas in Family Firms. International Family Enterprise Research Academy.
- WALDKIRCH, M., BRUMANA, M., MINOLA, T., NORDQVIST, M. (2017). Mobilization of Capitals and Risk Perception in Internal Corporate Venturing. Strategic Management Society.
- WALDKIRCH, M., MELIN, L., NORDQVIST, M. (2015). Institutional practices in family firms – parallel professionalization.
- WALDKIRCH, M. (2015). Theoretical Perspectives on Family Businesses. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
- BUCHER, E. L., SCHOU, P. K., WALDKIRCH, M., GRÜNWALD, E., ANTONS, D. (2021). Structuring the Haystack: Studying Online Communities with Dictionary-Based Supervised Text Analysis and Network Visualization. In G. Symon, K. Pritchard, & H. Christine (Eds.), Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization (pp. 246-268). Oxford University Press.
- WALDKIRCH, M. (2020). Illuminating the Space Between: Investigating Interpersonal Relationships in Family Firms Through Qualitative Inquiry. In De Massis, A. & Kammerlander, N. (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Family Business (pp. 270-282). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
- WALDKIRCH, M., NORDQVIST, M. (2017). Finding benevolence in family firms: The case of stewardship theory. In F.W. Kellermanns & F. Hoy (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Family Business (pp. 401-414). New York: Routledge.
- WALDKIRCH, M., NORDQVIST, M., MELIN, L., KUMETO, G. (2015). Introduction: Theoretical Perspectives on Family Business. In M.Nordqvist, L. Melin, M. Waldkirch, & Kumeto G. (Eds.) (Eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Family Business (pp. 1-17). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
- WALDKIRCH, M. (2015). Social identity theory and family business. In M. Norqvist, L. Melin, M. Waldkirch, & G.Kumeto (Eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Family Business (pp. 137-156). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.