Representatives of EBS Universität

Work with us

As one of the leading private universities in Germany, we are committed to working with quality representatives. Our work with representatives centers around promoting and supporting quality, professionalism, and integrity. Training is a core component of our strategy.

Working with EBS Universität is rewarding, and new representatives are presented with clear guidelines on how to represent EBS effectively and promote our study programmes.

Become an EBS representative

We appreciate the hard work that our valued representatives do to provide information to interested students. That’s why we seek to ensure you are always kept up-to-date and informed about our latest news and offerings – and to make it easy for you to assist your customers in their decision and application process. Our manager for EBS representatives is here to help you and your customers.

  1. To get started as a valued EBS Universität representatives, kindly email us with your company profile and provide contact details for two references.
  2. Representatives training is a prerequisite to signing a contract with us. We will contact you with suggested dates for a training webinars.
  3. Once the contract is signed, you will get full access to our application platform, marketing materials and other resources for representatives.


Please feel free to contact our manager for EBS representatives Ninad Borkar at any time for any further questions.

Your contact

Ninad Borkar

Manager for EBS Representatives


Ihre Anliegen

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Lassen Sie uns gerne eine Nachricht über das allgemeine Kontaktformular zukommen.


Sie haben Fragen rund um das Thema Studium an der EBS?

Nutzen Sie bitte unser Formular der Studienberatung.


Sie haben Fragen zu unseren Weiterbildungsprogrammen?

Treten Sie gerne mit dem Team der EBS Executive School per Mail oder per Telefon in Kontakt.

Kontakt zu unseren Schools

Rheingaustraße 1
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
+49 6723 9168 0 Anfahrt planen

Rheingaustraße 1
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
+49 6723 9168 0 Anfahrt planen

Hauptstraße 31
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
+ 49 6723 9168 610 Anfahrt planen

Infomaterial bestellen

Bestellen Sie Ihr Infomaterial

Bestellen Sie kostenlos Infomaterial zu unseren Studiengängen und informieren Sie sich ganz unverbindlich über:

  • Studieninhalte
  • Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
  • Studiengebühren
  • Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten