
Prof. Dr. Laura Turrini

Assoziierte Professorin für Operations Management


  • Supply Chain Management
  • Humanitarian Supply Chain Management
  • Humanitarian Operations
  • Forecasting
  • Inventory Management

Curriculum Vitae

Laura Turrini ist Professorin für Operations Management an der EBS Business School in Oestrich-Winkel, Deutschland, wo sie auf verschiedenen Ebenen Operation and Supply Chain Management, Humanitäre Operationen und Mathematik unterrichtet. Zu Lauras Hauptforschungsthemen gehören humanitäre Einsätze, Lieferkettenmanagement und -logistik sowie Nachhaltigkeit. Ihre Arbeit wurde im Journal of Operations Management, dem European Journal of the Operational Research und Omega veröffentlicht.

Sie ist aktives Mitglied des Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management (HOCM) College der POMS, wo sie in der Vergangenheit auch als Schriftführerin tätig war, des Riloha (Research Institute on Leadership & Operations in Humanitarian Aid) und der European Community of Humanitarian Operations.

Zu Lauras akademischen Leistungen gehören der Best Paper Award im Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management Track der 26. jährlichen POMS-Konferenz, den sie mit ihrer Forschungsarbeit über die Treiber humanitärer Spenden erhielt, und das renommierte INDAM-Stipendium, das sie während ihres Masterstudiums in Mathematik gewann. Sie hat einen Doktortitel in Betriebswirtschaftslehre (KLU und Universität Hamburg) mit einer Arbeit zu nachhaltigen Lieferketten sowie einen MSC und Bachelor in Mathematik (Università degli Studi di Milano).


  • PINÇE, C., TURRINI, L., MEISSNER, J. (2021). Intermittent demand forecasting for spare parts: A Critical review. Omega, 105, 102513. doi:10.1016/j.omega.2021.102513.
  • TURRINI, L., BESIOU, M., PAPIES, D., MEISSNER, J. (2020). The role of operational expenditures and misalignments in fundraising for international humanitarian aid. Journal of Operations Management, Volume 66, Issue 4, 379-417. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1072.
  • TURRINI, L., MEISSNER, J. (2019). Spare parts inventory management: new evidence from distribution fitting. European Journal of Operational Research, 273 (1), 118-130. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.09.039.

  • TURRINI, L., JOLA-SANCHEZ, A. F., PEDRAZA-MARTINEZ, A. J. (2022). Communities in the Crossfire: How Companies Can Do Well by Doing Good?. 29th International EurOMA Conference 2022.
  • TURRINI, L., KUNZ, N., BESIOU, M., VAN WASSENHOVE, L. (2022). Fleet sizing in the humanitarian sector. 29th International EurOMA Conference 2022.
  • TURRINI, L., KUNZ, N., BESIOU, M., VAN WASSENHOVE, L. (2021). Fleet sizing in the humanitarian sector. Production and Operations Management Society - Annual Meeting.
  • TURRINI, L., KUNZ, N., BESIOU, M., VAN WASSENHOVE, L. (2021). Fleet Sizing in the Humanitarian Sector. European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) - Annual conference.
  • JOLA-SANCHEZ, A. F., TURRINI, L., PEDRAZA-MARTINEZ, A. J. (2020). Communities in the Crossfire: How Companies Can Do Well by Doing Good. INFORMS - Annual Meeting.
  • TURRINI, L., KUNZ, N., BESIOU, M., VAN WASSENHOVE, L. (2019). Fleet sizing across different humanitarian organizations. Productions and Operations Management Society - Annual Meeting.
  • TURRINI, L., LUCKNER, F., BESIOU, M. (2019). The impact of consolidation hubs on epidemics response supply chains. ODS Conference.
  • TURRINI, L., LUCKNER, F., BESIOU, M. (2019). The Impact of Consolidation Hubs on Epidemics Response Supply Chains. INFORMS - Annual Meeting.
  • TURRINI, L. (2018). Optimal fleet size and the efficiency-effectiveness-equity trade-offs in humanitarian procurement policies. Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) - International Conference.
  • TURRINI, L. (2017). Conflicting objectives in humanitarian operations: the role of earmarking. Production and Operations Management Society (POMS).
  • TURRINI, L., LEWIN, R., BITOS, C., BESIOU, M. (2017). Plan International recharge tool: calculating vehicles costs. 15th Annual Fleet Forum Conference.
  • TURRINI, L., BESIOU, M., BITOS, C., LEWIN, R., BRADFORD, P. (2017). Right-Sizing Fleets: Experiences from Plan International. 15th Annual Fleet Forum Conference.
  • TURRINI, L. (2016). Spare parts inventory management: new evidence from distribution fitting. 19th IIF Workshop on Supply Chain Forecasting for Operations.
  • TURRINI, L. (2016). Objectives’ misalignment in humanitarian operations. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
  • TURRINI, L. (2015). Understanding Fundraising in Humanitarian Supply Chains. POMS 26th Annual Conference.
  • TURRINI, L. (2015). On spare parts demand patterns and their inventory implications. EURO Conference.
  • TURRINI, L. (2015). Understanding fundraising in humanitarian supply chains. EURO Conference.
  • TURRINI, L. (2015). Fundraising for operational expenditures in international humanitarian aid. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
  • TURRINI, L. (2014). Understanding Fundraising in Humanitarian Supply Chains. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
  • TURRINI, L. (2014). A close investigation on spare parts demand patterns and their inventory implications. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
  • TURRINI, L. (2014). On spare parts demand patterns and their inventory implications. 18th International Symposium on Inventories.
  • TURRINI, L. (2014). A forecasting method for non-stationary spare parts demand. 20th IFORS Conference.
  • TURRINI, L., MEISSNER, J. (2013). A forecasting method for non-stationary spare parts demand. 26th EURO-INFORMS Conference.

  • TURRINI, L. (2019). The impact of consolidation hubs on epidemics response supply chains. KLU Brown bag seminar.
  • TURRINI, L. (2017). How to fundraise for operational expenditures in international humanitarian aid: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies case. EBS joint brownbag seminar, Chair of Financial Econometrics and Asset Management & Institute for Supply Chain Management.
  • TURRINI, L. (2017). How to fundraise for operational expenditures in international humanitarian aid: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies case. Research Seminar Series by the Department of Management & Economics, EBS.
  • TURRINI, L. (2015). Fundraising for operational expenditures in international humanitarian aid. EBS research seminar.

  • TURRINI, L. (2021). Interview with Prof. Turrini. ASU OM Review, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.


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