
Prof. Dr. Franziska Krause

Professorin für Marketing & Customer Insight


  • Marketing
  • Innovation
  • Consumer Behavior

Curriculum Vitae

Professor Dr. Franziska Krause ist Assoziierte Professorin für Marketing & Customer Insight an der EBS Business School. Ihre Forschungsinteressen beinhalten Konsumentenverhalten, Kreativität und Individualisierung von Produkten. Sie veröffentlicht ihre Arbeit in führenden Marketingzeitschriften wie dem Journal of Marketing und dem International Journal of Research in Marketing. Sie ist außerdem Teil des Editorial Review Boards des Journals of Business Research.

Franziska Krause promovierte an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU Wien) und hat für ihre Dissertation den Stephan Koren Preis erhalten. Sie wurde außerdem von den Marketingvereinigungen in Deutschland (BVM), Österreich (VMÖ) und der Schweiz (SWISS INSIGHTS) im Rahmen des Preises der Deutschen Marktforschung als Nachwuchsforscherin des Jahres 2018 ausgezeichnet.

Sie unterrichtet im Bachelor- sowie Masterprogramm Kurse zu den Themenfeldern Konsumentenverhalten, Marktforschung und Forschungsmethoden.


  • SPÖRL-WANG, K., KRAUSE, F., HENKEL, S. (2025). Predictors of social media influencer marketing effectiveness: A comprehensive literature review and meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research, 186, 114991. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114991.
  • KRAUSE, F., FRANKE, N. (2024). Understanding Consumer Self-Design Abandonment: A Dynamic Perspective. Journal of Marketing, 88 (2), 79-98. doi:10.1177/00222429231183977.
  • WOLF, C., HENKEL, S., KRAUSE, F. (2024). 50 Shades of Green – Assessing Sustainability Labeling. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 5, 42-49.
  • KRAUSE, F., GÖRGEN, J., DE BELLIS, E., FRANKE, N., BURGHARTZ, P., KLANNER, I.-M., HÄUBL, G. (2023). One-of-a-kind products: Leveraging strict uniqueness in mass customization. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40 (4), 823-840. doi:10.1016/j.ijresmar.2023.04.002.
  • KRAUSE, F., THOMAS, T., ESCH, F.-R. (2020). As if the Product is Already Mine: How Augmented Reality Improves Product Presentation. transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement.

  • WOLF, C., KRAUSE, F., HENKEL, S. (2024). Is the Cleanser Really 'Clean'? Introducing and Assessing a Front-of-Package Labeling Framework on Effectiveness- and Ingredient Claims. American Marketing Association - Annual Conference (Winter AMA), St. Pete, 2024.
  • KARAPANAGIOTIS, P., KRAUSE, F., KRICK, J. (2023). Face Reading Technology: Improving Preference Prediction from Self-Reports Using Micro Expressions. Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Technologie, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (TIE) des VHB, Frankfurt, 2023.
  • KRAUSE, F., FRANKE, N. (2023). Why Customers Abandon Self-Design Processes with Customization-Configurators. Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Technologie, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (TIE) des VHB, Frankfurt, 2023.
  • KRAUSE, F., KRICK, J., HENKEL, S., BISWAS, D. (2023). WowItsMe – Revisiting Meaning Transfer Model with Own-Face Digital Advertising. European Association for Consumer Research (EACR), Amsterdam, 2023.
  • KRAUSE, F. (2023). Why Customers Abandon Self-Design Processes with Online Configurators. European Association for Consumer Research (EACR), Amsterdam, 2023.
  • KRICK, J., KRAUSE, F., HENKEL, S. (2022). Nothing Matters but You - Seeing Your Own Face in Advertising. American Marketing Association (AMA) - Annual Conference.
  • KRICK, J., KRAUSE, F., HENKEL, S., BISWAS, D. (2022). Endorsed by the Own Face - Confronting Consumers with Their Own Face in Advertising. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).
  • SPÖRL-WANG, K., HENKEL, S., KRAUSE, F. (2022). A Meta Analysis of Drivers and Predictors of Social Media Influencer Effectiveness. American marketing Association (AMA) - Annual Conference.
  • ALT, T., KRAUSE, F., ESCH, F.-R. (2021). As if the Product is Already Mine: Testing the Effectiveness of Product Presentation via Augmented Reality versus Website and Real World. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS).
  • KRAUSE, F., PITZ, J., ESCH, F.-R. (2020). Exploring the Field of Customer Brand Engagement: How Do Consumers' Perceptions of Digital Brand Interactions Influence Their Behavior Towards the Brand?. American Marketing Association (AMA).
  • KRAUSE, F., BURGHARZ, P., DE BELLIS, E., FRANKE, N., KLANNER, I., HAEUBL, G. (2020). You're One in a Million: Strict Uniqueness of Mass-Customized Products. European Marketing Academy (EMAC).
  • KRAUSE, F., BURGHARZ, P., DE BELLIS, E., FRANKE, N., KLANNER, I., HAEUBL, G. (2019). Being and Staying the Only One: Creating Value through Uniqueness in Mass Customization. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).
  • KRAUSE, F., BURGHARZ, P., DE BELLIS, E., FRANKE, N., KLANNER, I., HAEUBL, G. (2019). How Feedback on Current and Future Product Uniqueness Creates Customer Value in Mass Customization. Marketing Trend Conference.
  • KRAUSE, F., THOMAS, T., ESCH, F.-R. (2019). How Augmented Reality Improves the Digital Product Presentation. Marketing Trends Conference.
  • KRAUSE, F., BURGHARZ, P., DE BELLIS, E., FRANKE, N., KLANNER, I., HAEUBL, G. (2019). Feedback on Current and Future Product Uniqueness Creates Customer Value. La Londe Conference.
  • METZ, F., BISWAS, D., SZOCS, C. (2018). Ambient Lightning, Gender, and Creativity. Association for Consumer Research (ACR): USA, Asia, Pacific, Europe.
  • METZ, F. (2017). The Journey and the Reward: A Longitudinal Study of Value Generation During Self-Designing. Product Development and Management Association Conference (PDMA).
  • METZ, F., FRANKE, N., MOREAU, P. (2017). A Demonstration and Explanation of the "Swoosh Effect". Open and User Innovation Conference.
  • METZ, F., FRANKE, N., MOREAU, P. (2017). Value Development During the Self-Design Process. American Marketing Assocation (AMA) Annual Conference.
  • METZ, F., FRANKE, N., MOREAU, P. (2015). The Process of Self-Designing and the Generation of Value. Open and User Innovation Conference.
  • METZ, F., FRANKE, N., MOREAU, P. (2014). A Longitudinal Study of Value Generated by Toolkits for User Innovation and Design. Open and User Innovation Conference.

  • KRAUSE, F., FRANKE, N. (2021). Lost in Customization: Preference Insight, Affect, and the Abandonment of Self-Design Processes. Marketing Science Institute.

  • METZ, F. (2017). The Journey and the Reward: A Longitudinal Study of Value Generation in Mass Customization Toolkits.


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