
Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann

- Professorin für Management und Nachhaltigkeit

- Lehrstuhl für Sustainability Management


  • Climate Change & Energy Transition
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management
  • Strategic Management

Curriculum Vitae

Julia Hartmann ist Professorin für Management und Nachhaltigkeit an der EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht. Sie ist Expertin für Klimaschutz- und entsprechende Anpassungsstrategien, Energiewende, nachhaltiges Lieferkettenmanagement, soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen, ESG-Berichterstattung und Compliance. In der Forschung greift sie auf ein breites Arsenal an empirisch quantitativen Methoden zurück, darunter Natural Language Processing und maschinelles Lernen, Multilevel Modelling, und Advanced Analytics. Ihre Forschung wurde in hoch angesehenen, von Experten begutachteten akademischen Zeitschriften zur Veröffentlichung angenommen, darunter unter anderem Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management Discoveries und Journal of Operations Management. Sie ist eine leidenschaftliche Dozentin für Corporate Social Responsibility, Umwelt- und Stakeholder-Management, Corporate Governance, empirische Datenerhebungstechniken und Datenanalyse. Sie ist Beraterin für ESG-Leadership und Transformation und Meinungsführerin zu ESG in Fernsehen, Radio, Podcasts, Panels usw.


  • GATTIKER, T., HARTMANN, J., PAGELL, M., WYNSTRA, F., CANTOR, D., YAN, T., TATE, W. (2022). Editorial: Testing the Shoulders of Giants - Replication Research using Registered Reports. Journal of Supply Chain Management (formerly: International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management), 58 (3), 89-94. doi:doi.org/10.1111/jscm.12276.
  • HARTMANN, J., INKPEN, A., RAMASWAMY, K. (2022). An FsQCA exploration of multiple paths to ecological innovation adoption in European transportation. Journal of World Business, 57 (5), 101327. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2022.101327.
  • DAMBERG, S., HARTMANN, J., HEESE, S. (2022). Does bad press help or hinder sustainable supply chain management? An empirical investigation of US-based corporations. International Journal of Production Economics, 249, 108504. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108504.
  • HARTMANN, J., INKPEN, A., RAMASWAMY, K. (2022). The oil and gas industry: finding the right stance in the energy transition sweepstakes. Journal of Business Strategy, 43 (1), 17-27. doi:10.1108/JBS-07-2020-0156.
  • EGGERT, J., HARTMANN, J. (2022). Sustainable supply chain management – a key to resilience in the global pandemic. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. doi:10.1108/SCM-10-2021-0463.
  • HARTMANN, J., FORKMANN, S., BENOIT, S., HENNEBERG, S. C. (2022). A consumer perspective on managing the consequences of chain liability. Journal of Supply Chain Management (formerly: International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management), 58 (4), 58-89. doi:10.1111/jscm.12279.
  • BENOIT, S., HARTMANN, J., SICHTMANN, C., WETZELS, M. (2022). The Differential Effects of CSR and CSI on Consumer Willingness to Pay: Implications for Service Providers and Retailers. Journal of Service Management Research, 6 (2), 82-103. doi:10.5771/2511-8676-2022-2-82.
  • HARTMANN, J., INKPEN, A., RAMASWAMY, K. (2021). Different Shades of Green: Global Oil and Gas Companies and Renewable Energy. Journal of International Business Studies, 52 (5), 879 - 903. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00326-w.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2021). Toward a More Complete Theory of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: The Role of Media Attention. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 26 (4), 532-547. doi:10.1108/SCM-01-2020-0043.
  • HARTMANN, J., EGGERT, J. (2021). Purchasing’s Contribution to Supply Chain Emission Reduction. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 27 (2), 100685. doi:10.1016/j.pursup.2021.100685.
  • HARTMANN, J., VACHON, S. (2018). Linking Environmental Management to Environmental Performance: The Interactive Role of Industry Context. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27 (3), 359-374.
  • BARNETT, M., HARTMANN, J., SALOMON, R. (2018). Have you been served? Extending the relationship between corporate social responsibility and lawsuits. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4 (2), 109-126.
  • HARTMANN, J., UHLENBRUCK, K. (2015). National Institutional Antecedents to Corporate Environmental Performance. Journal of World Business, 50 (4), 729-741.
  • HARTMANN, J., GERMAIN, R. (2015). Understanding the Relationships of Integration Capabilities, Egological Product Design, and Manufacturing Performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 92, 196-205.
  • HARTMANN, J., GROBECKER, A., GERMAIN, R. (2015). Antecedents of Environmentally Conscious Operations in Transitioning Economies: Insights from Russia. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35 (6), 843-865.
  • WOLF, J. (2014). The Relationship between Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Stakeholder Pressure and Corporate Sustainability Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 119 (3), 317-238.
  • HARTMANN, J., MOELLER, S. (2014). Chain liability in multitier supply chains? Responsibility attributions for unsustainable supplier behavior. Journal of Operations Management, 32 (5), 281-294. doi:10.1016/j.jom.2014.01.005.
  • WOLF, J. (2013). Improving the sustainable development of firms: the role of employees. Business Strategy and the Environment, 22 (1), 92-108.
  • WOLF, J. (2011). Sustainable supply chain management integration: A qualitative analysis of the German manufaturing industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 102 (2), 221-235.

  • HARTMANN, J. (2023). Transparenzvorgaben für die Lieferkette. Herausforderungen für das Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement? Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 3/2023 (38).
  • HARTMANN, J. (2023). Herausforderungen für das Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement? Ökologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift, 38 (3), 26-27. doi:10.14512/OEW380326.
  • HARTMANN, J., BENOIT, S. (2015). Sippenhaft in der Lieferkette. Harvard Business Manager, pp. 6-9. Hamburg.
  • HOFSTETTER, J., HARTMANN, J. (2014). Multinationale vielstufige Wertschöpfungsketten: Management in Zeiten beschränkter Transparenz und Kontrolle. Die Volkswirtschaft, 87 (4), pp. 61-62. Bern.
  • WOLF, J. (2012). Alternativen mit Zugkraft. Deutschlands drittstärkster Wirtschaftszweig kommt um Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte nicht herum. DVZ Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung und Deutsche Logistik Zeitung, Sonderbeilage "Green Logistics", pp. 1-2. Hamburg.
  • WOLF, J. (2012). Gutes gleichzeitig tun. Dachser Magazin, pp. 16-17. Kempten.
  • WOLF, J., FROSCHMAYER, A. (2010). Nachhaltigkeit erfordert Strategie. Logistik für Unternehmen. Düsseldorf.

  • WOLF, J., POTZNER, A., GROBECKER, A., SCHAEFER, I. (2011). Excellence in Supply Chain Sustainability. Sustainability as a Challenge and Opportunity for Today's Companies. Logica Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG.
  • WOLF, J. (2006). The Nature of Supply Chain Management Research. Insiths from a content analysis of International Supply Chain Management Literature from 1990 until 2006. Gabler Verlag.

  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). Credibility of Supply Chain Responsibility Communication. EurOMA 2024 Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  • PAGELL, M., HARTMANN, J., WYNSTRA, F. (2024). JSCM Special Issue on Replications - Paper Development Workshop. EADA business school - Barcelona, Spain.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). Premiums with Sustainability. 1st EBS Sustainability Summit, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). Premiumization with ESG. BMT Big Marketing Technology Lab, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). Impulse on Sustainability. Arthur D Little CEO Insights Conference.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). There is no planet B. EBS Law Congress, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany.
  • HARTMANN, J., BENOIT, S., FORKMANN, S., HENNEBERG, S. (2021). On Broken Promises: A study on how supply chain governance mechanisms help rebuild consumers’ broken psychological contracts. Bundesvereinigung für Logistik (BVL), International Scientific Symposium on Logistics.
  • HARTMANN, J., BARNETT, M., SALOMON, R. (2014). Have You Been Served? The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibilty and Lawsuits. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), USA.
  • SICHTMANN, C., MÖLLER, S., HARTMANN, J. (2014). Willingness-to-pay (WTP) for IR/Resposible product attributes. AMA SERVSIG conference 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • CORDEIRO, J., WOLF, J. (2013). Addressing the Supply Chain Triple Bottom Line. 73rd annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • CORDEIRO, J., WOLF, J. (2013). The Social-Environmental Performance Trade-off in SSCM. 1st Inaugural Meeting of The International Center for Sustainability in Value Chains.
  • GROBECKER, A., GERMAIN, R., WOLF, J. (2013). Organizational Antecedents to Sustainability: Lessons from Russia. 5th Annual Research Conference of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability.
  • WOLF, J., GERMAIN, R., DROEGE, C. (2013). Performance Implications of Waste Reduction and Product Stewardship Initiatives. 75th Annual Meeting of the VHB Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft.
  • GROBECKER, A., WOLF, J., GERMAIN, R. (2012). The antecedents and outcomes of the environmental innovation. 23rd Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • GROBECKER, A., WOLF, J., GERMAIN, R. (2012). The antecedents and outcomes of environmental innovation. Wissenschaftliche Kommission Logistik of the VHB Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft.
  • WOLF, J. (2012). Nested Structures and Corporate Sustainability: An Empirical Investigation into the Firm-Society-Nature Relationship. Group on Organizatons and the Natural Environment GRONEN Research Conference.
  • GROBECKER, A., WOLF, J. (2011). The Relationship between Stakeholder Pressure and Corporate Sustainability Strategies. 2nd European Decision Sciences Conference "Bridging Communities".
  • WOLF, J., MOELLER, S. (2011). Sustainable Supply Chains. Consumers' Reaction to Lacking Sustainability in Supply Chains. 20th ISPERA Conference.
  • WOLF, J., MOELLER, S. (2011). The Consumer Perspective on Unsustainable Behaviour in Multi-tier Supply Chains. 31st Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference.
  • WOLF, J. (2011). Integrating the Customer Perspective into Supply Chain Management. 2nd European Decision Sciences Conference.
  • WOLF, J., MOELLER, S. (2010). Customer's Reactions to the Outcomes of Non-Sustainable Behaviour in Supply Chains. 4th International Conference on Business & Sustainability.
  • WOLF, J. (2010). The Impact of Sustainability Strategies on Supplier Relationships: An Interorganizational Justice Perspective. 21st Annual POMS Conference.
  • WOLF, J. (2010). Towards the Creation of Sustainability Value Chains. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
  • WOLF, J. (2009). An Analysis of the Application of Organization Theories to Supply Chain Management Research. 18th Annual ISPERA Conference.
  • WOLF, J., WALTER, S. (2008). The Nature of Supply Chain Management Research. Insights from a Content Analysis of International Supply Chain Management Literature from 1990 until 2006. Wissenschaftliche Kommission "Logistik".
  • WOLF, J., JAHNS, C., WALTER, S. (2007). Multiparadigm Supply Chain Management Research. 16th Annual ISPERA Conference.
  • WOLF, J., KAISER, G. (2006). Contradictions Within and Between Organization Theories. An Analysis of the Applicability of Organizaton Theories to Supply Chain Management Research. 11th IFPSM Summer School.
  • WOLF, J. (2006). Supply Chain Management as a Scientific Revolution? Outline of a Supply Chain Management Paradigm. ISPERA German Node Conference.
  • WOLF, J., JAHNS, C., WALTER, S. (2006). The Contribution of Organization Theories to Supply Chain Research. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Institutional View of Supply Chain Management.
  • WOLF, J. (2005). Theory of Supply Chain Management. IFPMM Summer School on Advanced Purchasing Research.

  • HARTMANN, J. (2022). Über Sinn und Unsinn von nachhaltigen Lieferketten. Wirtschaft & Ethik, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2021). Vorteil Verantwortung. Lieferkettengesetz: Eine Wissenschaftlerin erläutert den Nutzen für Unternehmen. Vorteil Verantwortung. Lieferkettengesetz: Eine Wissenschaftlerin erläutert den Nutzen für Unternehmen.
  • WOLF, J., POTZNER, A., JAHNS, C. (2010). Nachhaltigkeit und Logistik: Ein Paradox? Log. Kompass, Hamburg, Deutschland.
  • WOLF, J., POTZNER, A. (2010). Nachhaltigkeit: Hype oder Chance? Nachhaltige Produktion, Würzburg, Deutschland.

  • HARTMANN, J. (2022). Responsibility for the natural environment does not end at your doorstep but must include the supply chain. Earth Day 2022.

  • HARTMANN, J., INKPEN, A., RAMASWAMY, K. (2023). Leaders and Laggards: How Have Oil and Gas Companies Responded to the Energy Transition?. In A. Sundaram and R. Hansen (Ed.), Handbook of Business and Climate Change (pp. 208-229). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • GROBECKER, A., WOLF, J. (2014). Shipping. In R.C. Anderson et al. (Eds.) (Ed.), The Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability (pp. 204-210). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.
  • WOLF, J. (2013). Nachhaltiges Supply Chain Management: Ökologische, Soziale und Ökonomische Wertschöpfung. F.Keuper & F. Neumann (pp. 329-347). Logos Verlag, Berlin.
  • WOLF, J., GROBECKER, A. (2012). Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In D. Fogel, S. Fredericks, L. Butler Harrington, & I. Spellerberg (Eds.), The Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability (pp. 165-167). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.
  • WOLF, J., GROBECKER, A. (2012). Shipping and Freight. In L. Kotzé & S. Morse (Eds), The Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability (pp. 293-296). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.
  • WOLF, J. (2012). Organic and consumer labels. In D. Fogel, S. Fredericks, L. Butler Harrington, & Ian Spellerberg (Eds.), The Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability (pp. 271-274). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.
  • WALTER, S., WOLF, J. (2007). More than a Buzzword - Supply Chain Management as a Scientific Paradigm. In W. Delfmann, T. Klaas (Eds.), Supply Chain Design. Theory, Concepts and Applications (pp. 3-36). Kölner Wissenschaftsverlag, Köln.
  • WOLF, J., JAHNS, C. (2006). Supply Chain Management - was ist das?. In C. Jahns, I.-L. Darkow, E. Hartmann, H. Schober, & S. Walter (Eds.), Logistik and Supply Chain Management. Highlights und Hot Spots (pp. 235-238). Verlag Wissenschaft und Praxis, St. Gallen.
  • WOLF, J., JAHNS, C. (2006). Supply Chain Management - was ist das?. In C. Jahns, I.-L. Darkow, E. Hartmann, H. Schober, & S. Walter (Eds.), Einkauf und Supply Chain Management. Highlights und Hot Spots (pp. 211-214). Verlag Wissenschaft und Praxis, St. Gallen.

  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). Interview on supply chain regulation in the european union. n-tv Telebörse.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). Interview on supply chain regulation in the european union. n-tv Telebörse.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). Interview on supply chain regulation in the european union. n-tv Telebörse.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). Interview on EU supply chain regulation. MDR Kultur .
  • HARTMANN, J. (2024). Interview on international energy agency. SWR2 .
  • HARTMANN, J. (2022). Experteneinschätzung zum geplanten EU Lieferkettengesetz. n-tv.
  • HARTMANN, J. (2022). Resiliente und nachhaltige Lieferketten. "Update Wirtschaft" auf tagesschau24.


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