Service Learning Centre: EBS students support communities and local authorities
The Service Learning Centre at EBS Universität is an initiative that combines academic excellence with social commitment.

As part of the Service Learning Programme, students spend 60 hours working on a social project of their choice, accompanied by 30 hours of theoretical reflection. The centre works closely with more than 24 local and global partner organisations, mostly regional charities such as food banks, elderly care facilities, refugee camps or institutions and foundations for the homeless, migrants, children and young people or people with special needs. Globally, the focus is on projects with NGOs in Uganda.
The students choose a social commitment and form teams of 4 to 6 people. Together with the practice partners, they are prepared for their activities. Students formulate their learning objectives, which are documented and reflected on throughout the process in learning diaries, discussions, presentations and individual essays. They take ownership of their work and develop leadership skills. At the same time, they learn how academic content can be linked to real-world problem solving to promote the common good.
Some exciting new projects have already been initiated this year:
Care for dementia patients at the Wiesbaden day centre
For the first time, EBS students supported the day centre for people with dementia in WI-Biebrich. The guests there experience a stimulating and meaningful daily routine. Both the students and the carers and guests found the time spent together enriching and valuable.
Qualitative survey of volunteers at the food bank in Untertaunus
In cooperation with the Tafel im Untertaunus of the Diakonisches Werk, EBS students conducted and analysed a qualitative survey to obtain a picture of the mood among the volunteers.
Solar cooker for St Tereza Primary School in Uganda
After successfully installing a water filtration system for St Tereza Primary School in Uganda in 2023, EBS students are now sponsoring the installation of a solar cooker to provide the children with a school meal.
SRH Foundation supports women's cooperative Kechpetii in Uganda
Kechpetii is an initiative by women who have made the leap from working in a quarry to running their own fashion business. The women in Uganda produce colourful beads for necklaces, bracelets and other fashion accessories from waste paper. EBS students collected donations and, with the help of the SRH Foundation, were able to present the women with a start-up capital of 1,400 euros.
Service learning in the Heimatlädchen shop of the Lebensraum Foundation
Shopping ecologically and regionally and supporting people socially at the same time - both are possible when shopping at the Heimatlädchen Hallgarten, which is run by the Lebensraum Foundation, which cares for mentally ill people. EBS students support this idea and help to promote the Heimatlädchen. This semester, they have created a plan for the signage and a template for a newsletter. The magazine "Heimatlädchen Exklusiv" is now regularly produced and published by the students.
Cooperation with NABU Rheingau
For the second time, EBS students are supporting the local NABU and its activities. They are currently realising the installation of information boards in the nearby Grünaue nature reserve between Hattenheim and Eltville.
Organiser and EBS lecturer Dr Marcus Kreikebaum emphasises:
‘Such collaborations are a great benefit for the university, as students can not only test and deepen their academic knowledge in practice, but also experience a sense of community. By becoming part of a supportive community of people who work together for a good cause and want to bring about positive change, they gain an insight into social problems such as poverty, marginalisation and food insecurity. As a result, they develop a deeper understanding of these issues and learn to advocate for positive change. ‘
EBS students value the opportunities for personal growth and leadership development that the programme offers them. Many report that they still remember their service learning experience years later and have learnt important lessons for themselves. EBS Service Learning has been run by the Centre for Business Ethics (ZFU) at EBS University since 2008. The programme is open to anyone interested in further education. The organiser and contact person is Dr Marcus Kreikebaum.
Here you can find further information on the individual projects: