President of the Federal Constitutional Court visits EBS Law School
On the afternoon of 11 May 2023, we welcomed the President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M. (Yale), to EBS Law School in Wiesbaden.

Prof. Dr. Harbarth spoke on "The Climate Protection Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court - Scope and Limits of Constitutional Jurisdiction in the Political Process." This decision from 2021, which Prof. Dr. Harbarth helped pass as Chairman of the First Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court, makes a significant contribution to intergenerational justice, said host Prof. Dr. Michael Nietsch. Its importance can hardly be underestimated, as it shows us all that climate protection can no longer be postponed. After the lecture, a lively discussion developed among the approximately 100 participants, during which Prof. Dr. Harbarth discussed many questions of constitutional law relevant to the decision with students. For the faculty, it was an equally interesting and exciting event.