Professor Emanuel V. Towfigh holds the chair in Public Law, Empirical Legal Research and Law & Economics at EBS Law School and is Professor for Law & Economics at EBS Business School since 2016. He is Director of the BRYTER Center for Digitalization & Law and supports the Diversity & Refugee Law Clinic. From 2018 to 2020, he was the Dean of EBS Law School. Since October 2023, he is the Vice-Dean Research of EBS Law School. He is also a Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Peking University School of Transnational Law and Research Affiliate at the Max Plack Institute for the Study of Common Goods.
Towfigh studied Law and Economics in Münster and in Nanjing. He obtained his doctoral degree (Dr. iur.) in 2005 at Münster University. Following his legal clerkship, he was admitted to the bar. In 2007 he became a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute in Bonn and taught at New York University and the University of Virginia. In 2014, Towfigh completed his formal qualification as a professor (Habilitation) at the University of Münster; he was awarded the venia legendi in Public Law and Legal Theory.