Kai Förstl
Research focus
- Operations
- Supply Chain Management
- Logistics
Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Kai Foerstl is Professor of Supply Chain Management at EBS Business School and Head of EBS Executive School. He earned his doctorate at EBS Universität and completed after which he dedicated hs post-doc to applied research at the Fraunhofer Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services. In his previous position before returning to EBS, he served as Professor of Supply Chain Management and Logistics at the German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS), Heilbronn. During his tenure he has held visiting and adjunct professorship at Rutgers Business School in New Jersey, USA, the University of Sussex Business School, UK and Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
His research interests include Global Sourcing, Reshoring and Insourcing, Supply Chain Management Teams and Sustainable Supply Chain Management. His research has been published in leading outlets such as the Production and Operations Management (POM), Journals of Supply Chain Management (JSCM), and International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM), and other scholarly and managerial outlets. Currently, he serves on numerous editorial review boards and as associate editor at JSCM and IJOPM. He teaches Supply Chain Management in the undergraduate and graduate programs of the University and supervises Master and PhD theses.
- MCIVOR, R., BALS, L., DEREYMAEKER, T., FÖRSTL, K. (2025). Integrating sustainability and economic perspectives in reshoring: insights from the German automotive industry. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/SCM-12-2023-0640.
- MATZ, K., SUURMOND, R., FÖRSTL, K. (2024). Perfect couple or toxic relationship? A meta-analysis of the effects and interplays of lean and agile strategies to improve performance. Journal of Business Logistics, 45 (3). doi:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jbl.12390.
- FÖRSTL, K., FRANKE, H., CHAE, S. (2024). Toward a configurational understanding of global supply chain complexity. Journal of Business Logistics, 45 (2), 1-10. doi:DOI: 10.1111/jbl.12371.
- FÖRSTL, K., SCHLEE, D., GUTMANN, T. (2024). Buying knowledge-intensive business services: Overarching themes, actor relationships and future research agenda. European Management Review.
- FRANKE, H., ECKERD, S., FÖRSTL, K. (2022). Rising to the Top: Motivational Forces Influencing Status Conflict in Sourcing Teams. Production and Operations Management, 31 (3), 963-983. doi:10.1111/poms.13590.
- KIM, S., FÖRSTL, K., SCHMIDT, C. G., WAGNER, S. M. (2022). Adoption of green supply chain management practices in multi-tier supply chains: examining the differences between higher and lower tier firms. International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 60 (21), 6451-6468. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1992032.
- FÖRSTL, K., KÄHKÖNEN, A.-K., BLOME, C., GOELLNER, M. (2021). Supply market orientation: A dynamic capability of the purchasing and supply management function. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 26 (1), 65-83. doi:10.1108/SCM-06-2019-0233.
- FRANKE, H., FÖRSTL, K., HEESE, S. (2021). How rational are cross-functional sourcing teams? The interaction effect of goal (mis)alignment and knowledge distribution on team politics and procedural rationality. Decision Science Journal, 52 (2), 331-361. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/deci.12439.
- FÖRSTL, K., FRANKE, H., ALDEMIR-CATALDO-HERNANDEZ, Z. (2021). What drives managers to insource production? Evidence from a behavioural experiment. European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 27 (4), 100715. doi:10.1016/j.pursup.2021.100715.
- FRANKE, H., FÖRSTL, K. (2020). Goals, Conflict, Politics and Performance of Cross-Functional Sourcing Teams – Results from a Social Team Experiment. Journal of Business Logistics, 41 (1), 6-30. 331-361.
- FRANKE, H., FÖRSTL, K. (2020). Understanding Politics in PSM Teams: A Cross-Disciplinary Review and Future Research Directions. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 28 (3), 100608. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pursup.2020.100608.
- WANG-MLYNEK, L., FÖRSTL, K. (2020). Barriers to multi-tier supply chain risk management. International Journal of Logistics Management, 31 (3), 465-487.
- SCHÜTZ, K., KÄSSER, M., BLOME, C., FÖRSTL, K. (2019). How to achieve cost savings and strategic performance in purchasing simultaneously: A knowledge-based view. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 25 (4), 237-251.
- HARTMANN, M., LAUBENGAIER, D., FÖRSTL, K. (2019). Live and Let Die: On the Management of Creativity. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9 (10), 16-26.
- FÖRSTL, K., MEINLSCHMIDT, J., BUSSE, C. (2018). It's a match! Choosing information processing mechanisms to address sustainability-related uncertainty in sustainable supply management. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 24 (3), 204-217.
- MEINLSCHMIDT, J., FÖRSTL, K., SCHLEPER, M. (2018). Tackling the sustainability iceberg: A transaction cost economics approach to lower tier sustainability management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-03-2017-0141.
- FRANKE, H., FÖRSTL, K. (2018). Fostering integrated research on organizational politics and conflict in teams: A cross-phenomenal review. European Management Journal, 36 (5), 593-607.
- SCHMIDT, C., FÖRSTL, K., SCHALTENBRAND, B. (2017). The Supply Chain Position Paradox: Green Practices and Firm Performance. Journal of Supply Chain Management (formerly: International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management), 53 (1), 3-25. doi:10.1111/jscm.1211.
- FÖRSTL, K., BUSSE, C., MEINLSCHMIDT, J. (2017). Managing Information Processing Needs in Global Supply Chains: A Prerequisite to Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Journal of Supply Chain Management (formerly: International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management), 53 (1), 87-113. doi:10.1111/jscm.12129.
- FÖRSTL, K., SCHLEPER, M., BLOME, C. (2017). Antecedents of green supplier championing and greenwashing: An empirical study on leadership and ethical incentives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 152, 339-350.
- FÖRSTL, K., SCHLEPER, M., HENKE, M. (2017). Purchasing and supply management: From efficiency to effectiveness in an integrated supply chain. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 23 (4), 223-228.
- FÖRSTL, K., FRANKE, H., ZIMMERMANN, F. (2016). Mediaton effects in the 'purchasing and supply management (PSM) practice-performance link': findings from a meta-analytical structural equation model. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22 (4), 351-366. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pursup.2016.08.001.
- FÖRSTL, K., SCHALTENBRAND, B., AZADEGAN, A., LINDERMANN, K. (2016). See What We Want to See? The Effects of Managerial Experience on Corporate Green Investments. Journal of Business Ethics, 134, 1-22. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-016-3191-x.
- FÖRSTL, K., KIRCHOFF, J., BALS, L. (2016). Reshoring and Insourcing: Drivers and Future Research Directions. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 46 (5), 492-515. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPDLM-02-2015-0045.
- BALS, L., KIRCHOFF, J., FÖRSTL, K. (2016). Exploring the Reshoring and Insourcing Decision Making Process: Torward an Agenda for Future Research. Operations Management Research, 9 (3-4), 102-116.
- FÖRSTL, K., AZADEGAN, A., LEPPELT, T., HARTMANN, E. (2015). Drivers of Supplier Sustainability: Moving Beyond Compliance to Commitment. Journal of Supply Chain Management (formerly: International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management), 51 (1), 67-92. doi:10.1111/jscm.12067.
- FÖRSTL, K., SCHALTENBRAND, B., KACH, A., MAIER, M. (2015). Toward a deeper understanding of managerial green investment patterns - A USA-Germany comparison. International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 53 (20), 6242-6262. doi:10.1080/00207543.2015.1047979.
- FÖRSTL, K., STANCZYK, A., BUSSE, C., BLOME, C. (2015). Global Sourcing Decision Making Processes: Politics, Intuition, and Procedural Rationality. Journal of Business Logistics, 36 (2), 160-181. doi:10.1111/jbl.12090.
- FÖRSTL, K., ZIMMERMANN, F. (2014). A Meta-Analysis of the “Purchasing and Supply Management Practice–Performance Link”. Journal of Supply Chain Management (formerly: International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management), 50 (3), 37-54. doi:10.1111/jscm.12051.
- LEPPELT, T., FÖRSTL, K., REUTER, C., HARTMANN, E. (2014). Sustainability management beyond organizational boundaries–sustainable supplier relationship management in the chemical industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 56, 94-102. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.10.011.
- FÖRSTL, K., HARTMANN, E., WYNSTRA, F., MOSER, R. (2013). Cross-functional integration and functional coordination in purchasing and supply management: Antecedents and effects on purchasing and firm performance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33 (6), 689-721. doi:10.1108/IJOPM-09-2011-0349.
- WUTTKE, D., BLOME, A., FÖRSTL, K., HENKE, M. (2013). Managing the innovation adoption of supply chain finance – empirical evidence from six European cases. Journal of Business Logistics, 34 (2), 148-166. doi:10.1111/jbl.12016.
- FÖRSTL, K., LEPPELT, T., HARTMANN, E. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Is it Beneficial for Top-Tier Suppliers to Market their Capability to Ensure a Responsible Supply Chain? Business Research, 6 (2), 126-152. doi:10.1007/BF03342746.
- FÖRSTL, K., REUTER, C., GOEBEL, P. (2012). The impact of stakeholder orientation on sustainability and cost prevalence in supplier selection decisions. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 18 (4), 270-281. doi:10.1016/j.pursup.2012.06.004.
- FÖRSTL, K., HOLLOS, D., BLOME, C. (2012). Does sustainable supplier co-operation affect performance? Examining implications for the triple bottom line. International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 50 (11), 2968-2986. doi:10.1080/00207543.2011.582184.
- FÖRSTL, K., POHL, M. (2011). Achieving purchasing competence through purchasing performance measurement system design – a multiple-case study analysis. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 17 (4), 231-245.
- FÖRSTL, K., REUTER, C., HARTMANN, E., BLOME, C. (2010). Managing supplier sustainability risks in a dynamically changing environment – sustainable supplier management in the chemical industry. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 16 (2), 118-130.
- TATE, W., BALS, L., BALS, C., FÖRSTL, K. (2019). Seeing the forest and not the trees: Learning from nature’s circular economy. Recources, Conservation & Recycling, 149 (10), pp. 115-129.
- HAHN, G. J., FÖRSTL, K. (2016). Erfolgreiches Management von Prozessinnovationen. GGS Quarterly, 8 (3), pp. 5-11.
- FÖRSTL, K., MEINLSCHMIDT, J., KIRCHOFF, J. (2015). The Role of Absorptive and Desorptive Capacity in Sustainable Supply Management – A Longitudinal Analysis. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 46 (2), 177-211. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPDLM-05-2015-0138.
- FÖRSTL, K., SCHLEPER, M. C. (2015). Nachhaltigkeit entlang der Supply Chain. GGS Quarterly, 7 (3), pp. 4-11.
- REUTER, C., FÖRSTL, K., HARTMANN, E., BLOME, C. (2010). Sustainable global supplier management: The role of dynamic capabilities in achieving competitive advantage. Journal of Supply Chain Management (formerly: International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management), 46 (2), 45-63.
- SCHLEE, D., GUTMANN, T., FÖRSTL, K. (2022). Buying knowledge intensive business services: Identifying themes, actor relationships and future research directions through a structured literature review. IPSERA 2022, Jönköping, Sweden.
- TATE, W., BALS, L., FÖRSTL, K., BALS, C. (2020). Using biomimicry in network research. 31st POMS conference, Minneapolis, United States.
- TATE, W., BALS, L., BALS, C., FÖRSTL, K. (2018). Seeing the Forest and Not the Trees: Learning from Nature’s Circular Economy. 9th European Decision Sciences Institute (EDSI) Conference, Udine/Venice, Italy.
- TATE, W., BALS, L., BALS, C., FÖRSTL, K. (2018). Seeing the Forest and Not the Trees: Learning from Nature’s Circular Economy. Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Chicago, USA.
- TATE, W., BALS, L., FÖRSTL, K., BALS, C. (2018). Seeing the Forest and Not the Trees: Learning from Nature’s Circular Economy. the 27th IPSERA conference, Athens, Greece.
- BALS, L., TATE, W., FÖRSTL, K., BALS, C. (2017). Transmission in supply chain networks: On the brink to another evolutionary stage?. 8th European Decision Sciences Institute (EDSI) Conference, Granada, Spain.
- FÖRSTL, K., KIRCHOFF, J., BALS, L. (2015). Reshoring and Insourcing: Drivers and Future Research Directions. DSI Annual Meeting, Seattle, United States.
- FÖRSTL, K., KIRCHOFF, J., BALS, L. (2015). Towards a Unified Conceptualization of Reshoring and Insourcing Decisions and Their Drivers. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
- FÖRSTL, K., KIRCHOFF, J., BALS, L. (2015). Towards a unified conceptualization of reshoring and insourcing decisions and directions for future research. 24th Annual IPSERA Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- FRANKE, H., FÖRSTL, K. (2019). Politics in internal integration for supply chain management. In E. Bode C., Bogaschewsky, R., Eßig, M., Lasch, R., Stölzle, W. (Eds.) (pp. 99-105). Springer.
- WANG, L., FÖRSTL, K., ZIMMERMANN, F. (2017). Supply Chain Risk Management in the Automotive Industry: Cross- Functional and Multi-tier Perspectives. In E. Abele, M. Boltze, H.C. Pfohl (Eds.), Dynamic and Seamless Integration of Production, Logistics and Traffic (pp. 119-144). Springer.
- SCHLEPER, M., FÖRSTL, K. (2016). Compliance im Kontext nachhaltigen Supply Chain Managements. In M. Schulz (Ed.), Compliance Management im Unternehmen: Strategie und praktische Umsetzung (pp. 86-174). Frankfurt: Deutscher Fachverlag.
- FÖRSTL, K., MEINLSCHMIDT, J. (2014). Informationsdefizite im Lieferantennetzwerk. In Informationsdefizite im Lieferantennetzwerk (Ed.), FAZ Consulting Band. Kapitel III im Focus: Nachhaltige Supply Chains (pp. 84-91). FAZ Consulting.
- MEINLSCHMIDT, J., SCHALTENBRAND, B., BUSSE, C., FÖRSTL, K. (2012). Environmental and Sustainable Performance from a Supply Chain Management Perspective. In U. Clausen, M. ten Hompel, & M. Klumpp (Eds.), Efficiency and Logistics (pp. 175-184). Springer.
- FÖRSTL, K., BLOME, C., HENKE, M., SCHÖNHERR, T. (2011). Towards a supply risk management capability process model: An analysis of what constitutes excellence in supply risk management across different industry sectors. In D.D. Wu, D.L. Olson, J.R. Birge (Eds.), Computational Risk Management (pp. 265-280). Springer.