Günther H. Oettinger
Günther H. Oettinger has been President of EBS Universität since 2021. Previously, from 2017, the lawyer and economist was EU Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources. From 2014 to 2016, he held the position of EU Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, after serving as EU Commissioner for Energy from 2010 to 2014, most recently also as Vice-President of the European Commission. From 2005 to 2010, Mr. Oettinger was Minister-President of the State of Baden-Württemberg and a member of the State Parliament since 1984.

Dr Dorothée Hofer
Dr Dorothée Hofer holds a doctorate in law and is the Managing Director of EBS Universität. She draws on her expertise in change management and organisational development to successfully position EBS Universität for the social and economic challenges it faces and, together with the university management, to drive forward the process of strategic development that has already begun. Dr Dorothée Hofer studied law at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, at Nottingham Trent University (GB) and Universität zu Köln. There she was awarded her doctorate in criminal procedural law. In the following years, she worked for Voith, supported a BGH lawyer and worked for the Crafts Council in Mannheim. In 2011, she moved to the SRH University in Heidelberg as Head of Human Resources, where she could drive considerable growth and the conversion of the academic model to the CORE principle as Head of Administration and authorised signatory.
“I appreciate working with the members of EBS Universität, in Oestrich-Winkel and all over the world! Rarely have I experienced such ambitious and passionate employees, students and alumni as here”, says Dr Dorothée Hofer.
Get more information on the organisation of EBS in the following sections.
The main shareholders of the EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht are SRH Higher Education GmbH and the alumni association EBS Alumni e.V.
SRH Higher Education
The non-profit organisation SRH Higher Education GmbH is the principal shareholder of the EBS Universität. Since July 2016, the EBS Universität has been part of the non-profit foundation SRH, a leading education and health services provider, with headquarters in Heídelberg. The common purpose is to strengthen EBS Universität as an excellent educational institution and to further its strategic development, building on a foundation of independent research and teaching. SRH Higher Education GmbH is a leading private sponsor with a total of ten universities:
- SRH Hochschule Berlin
- design akademie Berlin, SRH Hochschule für Kommunikation und Design
- SRH Hochschule der populären Künste (hdpk)
- SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
- SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University
- SRH Hochschule für Gesundheit Gera
- SRH Hochschule für Logistik und Wirtschaft Hamm
- SRH Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Medien Calw
- Universidad Paraguayo Alemana
The academic programme includes over 100-degree courses. The universities are united in imparting academic competence, educational excellence, social skills, and values. The SRH Higher Education GmbH aims to provide future-oriented degree courses for young people, achieving state-recognised diplomas and offering them outstanding career opportunities. With research and continuing academic education, SRH contributes to the promotion of education and innovation in the economy and society.
EBS Alumni e.V.
The alumni association has been a shareholder of the EBS Universität since June 2015. This independent association has over 4,000 members in more than 30 countries and is one of the most successful alumni networks in Europe. The association’s objective is to strengthen cooperation among former EBS students and offer a platform for exchange. In addition, the association also supports students financially within the framework of their study foundation. Furthermore, the association also supports student projects, organises internships and arranges information events. The association is actively involved in the ongoing strategic development of EBS Universität and lends support as a sparring partner.
The University Council of EBS supports the university in the development of its goals and strategies by providing advice and expertise. It advises the senate and the university management with regard to the university's orientation and development in national and international research, teaching and social and technological development in Germany and the world as well as the associated strategic university planning within the framework of the decision-making responsibilities assigned to it in accordance with the basic regulations. The University Council of EBS also contributes to the further development and quality assurance of research and teaching at EBS University through its accompanying assessment, taking into account comparable national and international competitors.
- Chairman of the University Council: Prof Dr Christof Hettich (Chairman of the SRH Executive Board)
- Prof Dr Andreas Altmann (Rector MCI The Entrepreneurial School)
- Volker Bouffier (former Minister President of Hesse)
- Dr Elisabeth Denison, MSc, (Chief People Officer Deloitte Germany)
- Dr Jörg-Uwe Hahn (former minister and member of the Hessian state parliament)
- Dr Klaus Lesker (CEO RSBG SE)
- Prof Dr Roland Mattmüller (Deputy Chairman of the Senate at EBS)
- Astrid Teckentrup (Chairwoman of the Management Board Proctor&Gamble DACH)
- Senator h.c. Udo J. Vetter, (President of European Family Businesses)
The Ethics Committee has the task of reviewing the ethical aspects of planned social science research projects at EBS Universität. The Ethics Committee advises the researching members of EBS Universität on questions of research ethics by stating if necessary. The ethical responsibility of the responsible researcher remains unaffected. The Ethics Committee and its members are independent in performing their duties and are not bound by instructions. Their conscience only binds them.
- Prof. Dr Myriam Bechtoldt (Chairwoman)
- Prof. Dr Richard Raatzsch (Vice-Chairman)
- Prof. Dr Franziska Krause
- Prof. Dr Laura Turini
- Prof. Dr Christoph Wolf
Diversity and inclusion are essential parts of the core values of EBS Universität. Our Diversity Officer is responsible for various functions to ensure that we keep to our high standards.
- Participates in the selection committee for the recruitment of professors to ensure Diversity, inclusion and lack of bias in the recruiting process.
- Is the primary contact for students and employees in cases of diversity-based disputes and accusations of discrimination against the organisation or other students and employees.
- Supports HR and the student recruitment team to help create a brand that appeals to diverse applicants and removes bias.
- Reviews the policies and procedures of EBS Universität to ensure that they are inclusive.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for any questions regarding the above.

Carolin Bremer
Career Services Center