
EBS Law Summer

EBS Law Summer is an intensive 4-week programme focusing on European Business Law.

Academic Programme

Welcome to the EBS Law Summer

Taking place in June each year, EBS Law Summer is a great opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge of the laws of the European Union and gain international experience within a short space of time. Since EBS Law Summer started in 2012, we have an increasing number of participants, programme items as well as top-level lecturers from practice and research. All courses are taught 100% in English.

The challenging curriculum is also complemented by course-related field trips, such as to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, to ensure that students receive a well-rounded legal academic experience. 

The academic programme comprises a compulsory introductory module on the law of the European Union which takes place in Week 1 of the programme. In weeks 2 to 4, students explore more specialist areas of EU Business Law within various electives.

In total students can earn between 10 and 16 ECTS credits depending on the number of electives attended.

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Rheingaustraße 1
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
+49 6723 9168 0 info@ebs.edu Anfahrt planen

Rheingaustraße 1
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
+49 6723 9168 0 info@ebs.edu Anfahrt planen

Hauptstraße 31
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
+ 49 6723 9168 610 info.es@ebs.edu Anfahrt planen

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