
Mrdjan Mladjan, PhD

- Leitung Finance & Accounting Group

- Senior Dozent für Finanzökonomie


  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial History
  • Macro Finance
  • Finance and Society
  • Economics and Society
  • Economic History

Curriculum Vitae

Mrdjan Mladjan erhielt seinen Doktorgrad (PhD) an der Universität Pompeu Fabra. Seine Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit den Effekten des Bankenkollapses während der großen Depression. Während seines Promotionsstudiums war er Gastdozent an der UCLA Anderson School of Management. Mrdjan Mladjan hat seinen Bachelor in Ökonomie am MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) erworben und forscht über die Effekte von Finanzkrisen.

Die Forschungs- und Lehrschwerpunkte von Mrdjan liegen in den Bereichen Unternehmensfinanzierung und Unternehmensbewertung, den realen Auswirkungen von Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrisen sowie vielfältigen Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Wirtschafts- und Finanzsystem und der Gesellschaft als Ganzes.


  • MLADJAN, M., MARKOVIC, D. (2023). Moral Capital as an Element of Successful Transitions. Economic Analysis, 56 (2), 84-100. doi:10.28934/ ea.23.56.2 .pp 84 -100.
  • MLADJAN, M., MARKOVIC, D. (2021). Generational Responsibility in Consumption as a Response to Global Economic Crises. Sustainability, 13 (6), pp. 3329.
  • MLADJAN, M., MARKOVIC, D. (2019). Diagrams of Power and Strategic Decision Making: the Case of Strategic Alliances in the Automotive Industry. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 24 (3), 21-32. doi:10.7595/management.fon.2019.0015.
  • MLADJAN, M., RAKITA, B., MARKOVIC, D. (2019). Focusing of New Multinational Companies on the Global ‘Value-for-Money’ Segment and the Resulting Opportunities for Serbian Companies. Marketing, 50 (4), 247-258. doi:10.5937/markt1904247R.
  • MLADJAN, M., MARKOVIC, D. (2017). The Importance of Knowledge for Wellbeing of Society in the Contemporary World. Philosophy and Society, 28 (4), 1136-1159. doi:10.2298/FID1704136M.

  • VISUDHIPHAN, P., ILIC, M., MLADJAN, M. (2002). On the Complexity of Market Power Assessment in the Electricity Spot Markets. IEEE, 1, pp. 440 - 446. New York.

  • MLADJAN, M., NIKOLOVA, E., PONOMARENKO, O. (2022). Religion and Institutions. 41st EBES Conference - Berlin..
  • MLADJAN, M. (2019). The Ways in Which Bank Suspensions Affected Output during the Great Depression. Institute of Economic Sciences - 11th International conference: ECONOMETRIC MODELING IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE.

  • KRAGL, J., MLADJAN, M., RADERMACHER, D. (2024). Uncertainty and Educational Expenditure in Contemporary Europe.
  • MLADJAN, M. (2019). Treatment of the Banking Holiday of March 1933 in Growth Regressions (SSRN wp 3428519).
  • MLADJAN, M. (2012). Accelerating into the Abyss: Financial Dependence and the Great Depression. SSRN Electronic Journal.

  • MLADJAN, M., NIKOLOVA, E., PONOMARENKO, O. (2022). Religion and Institutions. In Zimmermann K.F. (Ed.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer.
  • MLADJAN, M., MARKOVIC, D. (2022). Uticaj COVID-19 krize na poslovnu praksu – koncept generacijski odgovorne potrošnje (The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Business Practices – The Concept of Generational Responsibility in Consumption). In Hasan Hanic, Saša Veljkovic (Eds.), Izazovi i perspektive marketinga (Challenges and Perspective of Marketing) (pp. 93-101). Belgrade: Serbian Marketing Association.
  • MLADJAN, M., MARKOVIC, D. (2020). Entrepreneurship as an Instrument for Achieving Material and Immaterial Welfare of Communities in the Contemporary World. In ThDr. Vladimír Kocvár, PhD (Eds.), Pravoslavie a súcasnost (pp. 77-90). Prešov: Prešovská univerzita.
  • MLADJAN, M., MARKOVIC, D., RAKITA, B. (2019). The Importance of Contemporary Flows of Knowledge for the National Competitiveness and the Wellbeing of Society in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. In Rajko Kuzmanovic, Dragoljub Mirjanic, and Drago Brankovic (Eds.), Strategies of Development and Economic Cooperation of Small Countries in the Conditions of Globalization and Regional Integration (pp. 601-620). Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska.
  • MLADJAN, M., FATIC, A. (2018). Economics and Morality: How to Reconcile Economic Thinking with Broader Social Thinking? (1 ed.). In Isidora Ljumovic and Andrea Elteto (Ed.), Sustainable Growth and Development in Small Open Economies (pp. 199-217). Budapest: Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  • MLADJAN, M. (2018). Economic Justice and Economic Efficiency in Post-Conflict Societies in Transition (1 ed.). In Aleksandar Fatic, Klaus Bachmann and Igor Lyubashenko (Eds.), Transitional Justice in Troubled Societies (pp. 123-142). London: Rowman and Littlefield International.
  • MLADJAN, M., MARKOVIC, D. (2016). Problem neuspeha tržišta u Srbiji prilikom tranzicije na tržišnu privredu (The Problem of Market Failure in Serbia during the Transition to Market Economy – in Serbian). In Jelena Minovic, Duško Bodroža, Ivan Stošic, and Božo Draškovic (Eds.), Pravci strukturnih promena u procesu pristupanja Evropskoj Uniji (Directions of Structural Change in the Process of Accession to European Union - in Serbian) (pp. 130-147). Institute of Economic Sciences - Belgrade.


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