
Nasar-um Minullah Virk, PhD


  • Innovation
  • Digital Transformation
  • Agile Project Management
  • Digital Health

Curriculum Vitae

Nasar ist Dozent an der EBS und ein unternehmerisch orientierter Forscher und Pädagoge mit Erfahrung in der Industrieberatung, die er in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten gesammelt hat. Er verfügt über ein interdisziplinäres Lehr- und Forschungsportfolio in den Bereichen Digitale Strategie und Transformation, Automotive Management und Organisationsagilität mit digitalen Managementmethoden. Er studierte an der University of San Francisco, der Durham University und der EBS.


  • WAJEEHA SHAMSI, W., MINULLAH, N.-U., ATIF JAMAL, A., MUHAMMAD FARAZ BHATTI, M. (2019). The mycovirus database an e-bank for mycoviral genomes. International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, 12 (Issue 6), pages 007-011. doi:10.21172/1.126.02.
  • AMMAD FAHIM, A., ZAIRA REHMAN, Z., MUHAMMAD FARAZ BHATTI, M., AMJAD ALI, A., MINULLAH, N.-U., AMIR RASHID, A., REHAN ZAFAR PARACHA, R. (2018). Structural Insights and Characterization of Human Npas4 Protein. PeerJ, 6 (e4978). doi:10.7717/peerj.4978.
  • AMNA YOUNUS, A., SABA MUNAWAR, S., MUHAMMAD FARAZ BHATTI, M., AQSA IKRAM, A., FARYAL MEHWISH AWAN, F., ISHRAT JABEEN, I., ... MUHAMMAD ARSHAD, M. (2018). Structure-Function Mutational Analysis and Prediction of the Potential Impact of High Risk Non-Synonymous Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism on Poliovirus 2A Protease Stability Using Comprehensive Informatics Approaches. Genes, 9 (228). doi:10.3390/genes9050228.
  • HIRA IFTIKHAR, H., MINULLAH, N.-U., MUHAMMAD FARAZ BHATTI, M. (2018). Homology Modeling of CTR1 Protein Kinase Domain in Solanaceae Species for Identification of Salient Features in terms of Structure and Function, and Interaction Analysis with Lipids. Current Proteomics, 15, 329-340. doi:10.2174/1570164615666180723145810.
  • RAFIA RAFIQUE, R., ZAHRA ZAHRA, Z., MINULLAH, N.-U., MUHAMMAD SHAHID, M., ERIC PINELLI, E., JEAN KALLERHOFF, J., ... MUHAMMAD ARSHAD, M. (2018). Data onrhizospherepH,phosphorusuptakeand wheat growthresponsesuponTiO2 nanoparticles application. Data in Brief, 17, 890-896. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2018.02.002.
  • ROOHI ASLAM, R., LORRAINE E. WILLIAMS, L., MUHAMMAD FARAZ BHATTI, M., MINULLAH, N.-U. (2017). Genome wide analysis of wheat calcium ATPases and potential role of selected ACAs and ECAs in calcium stress. BMC Plant Biology, 17 (174). doi:DOI 10.1186/s12870-017-1112-5.

  • HIRA IFTIKHAR, H., NAYAB NAVEED, N., MINULLAH, N.-U., MUHAMMAD FARAZ BHATTI, M., FENGMING SONG, F. (2017). In silico analysis reveals widespread presence of three gene families, MAPK, MAPKK and MAPKKK, of the MAPK cascade from crop plants of Solanaceae in comparison to the distantly-related syntenic species from Rubiaceae, coffee. PeerJ, 5 (e3255). doi:10.7717/peerj.3255.
  • MINULLAH, N.-U., DAYONG LI, D., LIMEI TIAN, L., LEI HUANG, L., YONGBO HONG, Y., XIAOHUI LI, X., ... FENGMING SONG, F. (2015). Arabidopsis Raf-Like Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase Gene Raf43 Is Required for Tolerance to Multiple Abiotic Stresses. PLoS ONE, 10 (7), e0133975. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0133975.
  • XIAOFEI CHENG, X., MINULLAH, N.-U., WEI CHEN, W., SHUQIN JI, S., SHUXIAN JI, S., YUQIANG SUN, Y., XIAOYUN WU, X. (2013). CpG Usage in RNA Viruses: Data and Hypotheses. PLoS ONE, 8 (9), e74109. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0074109.

  • HIRA IFTIKHAR, H., MINULLAH, N.-U., XIAOFEI CHENG, X., MUHAMMAD FARAZ BHATTI, M. (2016). In silico analysis reveals multiple genes of mapk, mapkk and mapkkk gene families of the mapk cascade in Nicotiana tabacum. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology.


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