Prof. Dr. Sven Henkel
- Marketing
- Behavioral Branding
- Sales Psychology
- Digitalization of Sales
Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Sven Henkel führt den Lehrstuhl für Käuferverhalten und Verkauf an der EBS Universität. Darüber hinaus ist er Direktor des dort angesiedelten Instiute for Innovation, Technology and Customer Centricity (TICC). Er promovierte an der Universität St.Gallen, wo er zuletzt als Vize-Direktor des Center for Customer Inisght tätig war. Ausgehend von Forschungsprojekten zum Themenfeld Behavioural Branding hat Sven Henkel seinen Forschungsschwerpunkt in der jüngeren Vergangenheit um die Aspekte Verkaufspsychologie und Vertrieb innovativer Produkte erweitert. Seinen Branchenschwerpunkt hat er in der Automotive- und Mobilitäts-Industrie. Ferner forscht Sven Henkel zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der der Digitalisierung im stationären Vertrieb. Neben seiner Forschungstätigkeit ist Sven Henkel ein gefragter Dozent in Führungskräfteweiterbildungsprogrammen (u.a. EBS Universität, Universität St.Gallen, RWTH Aachen) und ist beratend für nationale und internationale Unternehmen tätig.
- SPÖRL-WANG, K., KRAUSE, F., HENKEL, S. (2025). Predictors of social media influencer marketing effectiveness: A comprehensive literature review and meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research, 186, 114991. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114991.
- WALTERMANN, J., HENKEL, S. (2025). The human element in autonomous driving: Motivations, expectations, and behavioral change. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 213, 123992. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2025.123992.
- HENKEL, S., MERFELD, K., KLEIN, J. F., DE REGT, A., RIEGGER, A.-S. (in press). In Store-Technology Personalization: A Typology and Reserach Agenda based on the Tyüpe of Automation and Data Collection. Journal of Business Research.
- GROSSMANN, C., MERFELD, K., KLEIN, J., FÖLLER, F., HENKEL, S. (2024). Onto the light side of sharing: Using the force of blockchain. Journal of Business Research, 175, 114507. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114507.
- WOLF, C., HENKEL, S., KRAUSE, F. (2024). 50 Shades of Green – Assessing Sustainability Labeling. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 5, 42-49.
- WALTERMANN, J., HENKEL, S. (2023). Public discourse on automated vehicles in online discussion forums: A social constructionist perspective. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 17, pp. 100743.
- GRÖBER, M., FREISINGER, E., HENKEL, S., HEIDENREICH, S. (2023). How valuable are personal values? Investigating personal values and their effect on entrepreneurial performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 15 (6), 534-559. doi:10.1504/IJEV.2023.136300.
- KLEIN, J.-F., MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S., FALK, T. (2022). Buying to share: How prosumption promotes purchases in peer-to-peer asset sharing. Journal of Business Research, 143, 171-183. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.01.047.
- RIEGGER, A.-S., MERFELD, K., KLEIN, J., HENKEL, S. (2022). Technology-enabled personalization: Impact of smart technology choice on consumer shopping behavior. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 181, 121752. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121752.
- RIEGGER, A.-S., KLEIN, J., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2021). Technology-enabled personalisation in retail stores: Understanding drivers and barriers. Journal of Business Research, 123, 140-155. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.09.039.
- HERHAUSEN, D., HENKEL, S., KIPFELSBERGER, P. (2019). One size doesn't fit all: How contrual fit determines the effect of organizational communication. Business Research, 23 (4), pages 305-318. doi:10.1177/2340944420966924.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S., KREUTZER, K. (2019). Carsharing with Shared Autonomous Vehicles: Uncovering Drivers, Barriers and Future Developments – A Four-Stage Delphi Study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 144, 66-81.
- HENKEL, S., WILHELMS, M.-P., FALK, T. (2017). To Earn is not Enough. A Means-End Analysis to Uncover Peer-Providers' Participation Motives in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 125, 38-47.
- WILHELMS, M.-P., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2017). Yours, mine, and ours: A user-centric analysis of opportunities and challenges in peer-to-peer asset sharing. Business Horizons, 60 (6), 771-781. doi:
- HENKEL, S., WILHELMS, M.-P., MERFELD, K. (2016). My car, your car, our car: A user-centric analysis of opportunities and challenges in peer-to-peer Carsharing. Business Horizons, 771-781.
- WENTZEL, D., TOMCZAK, T., HENKEL, S. (2014). Can friends also become customers?. The impact of employee referral programs on referral likelihood. Journal of Service Research, 17 (2), 119-133.
- HERRMANN, A., ROSSBERG, N., HUBER, F., LANDWEHR, J. R., HENKEL, S. (2011). The impact of mimicry on sales - evidence from field and lab experiments. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32 (3), 502-514.
- LIEVEN, T., MÜHLMEIER, S., HENKEL, S., WALLER, J. F. (2011). Who will buy electric cars?. An empirical study in Germany. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 16 (3), 236-243.
- WENTZEL, D., HENKEL, S., TOMCZAK, T. (2010). Can I live up to that ad? Impact of implicit theories of ability on service employees' responses to advertising. Journal of Service Research, 13 (2), 137-152.
- MORHART, F., HENKEL, S., HERZOG, W. (2008). Collecting hidden consumer data online: Research on homosexuals. Journal of Advertising Research JAR.
- ERZ, A., HENKEL, S., TOMCZAK, T. (2008). Weg vom negativen Branchenimage: Mit Subtyping zur Arbeitgebermarke. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 25 (5), 22-25.
- HENKEL, S., TOMCZAK, T., WENTZEL, D. (2007). Bringing the brand to life: Structural conditions of brand consistent employee behavior. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 24 (1), 13-16.
- FITSCHEN, P., MERFELD, K., KLEIN, J. F., HENKEL, S. (2024). Understanding the urban mobility challenge: Why shared mobility providers fail to attract car drivers. Transport Policy, 158, 104-111. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2024.09.010.
- OETKEN, K., HENNIG, K., HENKEL, S., MERFELD, K. (2024). A psychoanalytical approach in urban design: exploring dynamics of co-creation through theme-centred interaction. Journal of Urban Design, 1-28. doi:10.1080/13574809.2024.2351911.
- TIMMER, S., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2023). Exploring motivations for multimodal commuting: A hierarchical means-end chain analysis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 176, 103831. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2023.103831.
- TIMMER, S., BÖSEHANS, G., HENKEL, S. (2023). Behavioural norms or personal gains? – An empirical analysis of commuters‘ intention to switch to multimodal mobility behaviour. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 170, 103620. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2023.103620.
- COPPETTI, C., WENTZEL, D., TOMCZAK, T., HENKEL, S. (2009). Improving incongruent sponsorships through articulation of the sponsorship and audience participation. Journal of Marketing Communications, 15 (1), 17-34.
- HENKEL, S., WENTZEL, D., TOMCZAK, T. (2009). Die Rolle der Werbung in der internen Markenführung. Marketing ZFP, 31 (1), 43-56.
- HENKEL, S. (2007). Managing brand consistent employee behaviour: Relevance and managerial control of behavioral branding. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 16 (5), 310-320.
- HENKEL, S., BERNDT, J. (2018). Future Ready. Gelebte Identität in disruptiven Zeiten - so werden Unternehmen zukunftsfest. München: Brandamazing.
- BERNDT, J., HENKEL, S. (2017). Einfach markant!. Wie Unternehmen durch Klarheit und Begehrlichkeit erfolgreich sind. München: Brandamazing.
- BERNDT, J., HENKEL, S. (2016). Benchmarken. Wie Unternehmen mit der Kraft der Marke ganz nach vorn kommen – und die anderen auf Abstand halten. München: Brandamazing.
- BERNDT, J., HENKEL, S. (2014). Brand New. Was starke Marken heute wirklich brauchen. Redline Verlag.
- HENKEL, S., TOMCZAK, T., HENKEL, S., HAUNER, C. (2014). Mobilität aus Kundensicht. Wie Kunden ihren Mobilitätsbedarf decken und über das Mobilitätsangebot denken. Gabler Verlag.
- HENKEL, S. (2008). Werbung als Verhaltensvorbild für Mitarbeiter. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel UBS. Verlag Dr. Kovac.
- HENKEL, S., HUBER, F. (2005). Marke Mensch. Prominente als Marken der Medienindustrie. Deutscher Universitätsverlag.
- HÜSKEN, K., HENKEL, S. (2018). Love Conquers All. A Qualitative Analysis of Brand Love. Proceedings of International Marketing Trends Conference 2018, ESCP Europe Paris, France.
- WOLF, C., KRAUSE, F., HENKEL, S. (2024). Is the Cleanser Really 'Clean'? Introducing and Assessing a Front-of-Package Labeling Framework on Effectiveness- and Ingredient Claims. American Marketing Association - Annual Conference (Winter AMA), St. Pete, 2024.
- KRAUSE, F., KRICK, J., HENKEL, S., BISWAS, D. (2023). WowItsMe – Revisiting Meaning Transfer Model with Own-Face Digital Advertising. European Association for Consumer Research (EACR), Amsterdam, 2023.
- KRICK, J., KRAUSE, F., HENKEL, S. (2022). Nothing Matters but You - Seeing Your Own Face in Advertising. American Marketing Association (AMA) - Annual Conference.
- KRICK, J., KRAUSE, F., HENKEL, S., BISWAS, D. (2022). Endorsed by the Own Face - Confronting Consumers with Their Own Face in Advertising. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).
- SPÖRL-WANG, K., HENKEL, S., KRAUSE, F. (2022). A Meta Analysis of Drivers and Predictors of Social Media Influencer Effectiveness. American marketing Association (AMA) - Annual Conference.
- FITSCHEN, P., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2021). Why New Mobility Providers Fail to Attract Car Drivers: A Behavioral Accounting Perspective. EMAC 2021 Annual Conference.
- RIEGGER, A.-S., KLEIN, J.-F., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2021). Technology-Enabled Personalization: The Impact of Device Choice on Consumer Reactance. EMAC 2021 Annual Conference.
- MERFELD, K., GROSSMANN, C., HENKEL, S. (2021). Consumer perception of Blockchain-based Peer-to-peer Mobility Sharing Services. Seventh International Workshop on the Sharing Economy 2021.
- MERFELD, K., GROSSMANN, C., HENKEL, S. (2021). Consumer Perception of Blockchain-Based Autonomous Mobility. ACIEK 2021 Annual Conference.
- GROSSMANN, C., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2019). Mining Public Perception - Blockchain-based Services in Mainstream Media. 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting.
- GROSSMANN, C., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2019). A Consumer Perspective on Blockchain Technology in Shared Mobility Services. 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting.
- RIEGGER, A.-S., MERFELD, K., KLEIN, J.-F., HENKEL, S. (2019). Experiential Retail for Luxury Brands: Using Non-Traditional Stores to Reach Untapped Customer Segments. Frontiers in Services Conference 2019.
- KLEIN, J.-F., MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S., FALK, T. (2019). Buying to Share: How Peer-to-Peer Sharing Promotes Product Purchase. Frontiers in Services Conference 2019.
- TIMMER, S., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2019). Exploring Usage Motives for Corporate Multimodal Mobility Services: A Hierarchical Means-End Chain Analysis.. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference 2019.
- KLEIN, J.-F., MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S., FALK, T. (2019). How Peer-to-Peer Sharing Promotes Product Purchase. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference 2019.
- HENKEL, S., HÜSKEN, K. (2018). True Love Conquers All. International Marketing Trends Conference 2018.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S. (2018). Dear or Dare? A Qualitative Study to Elicit Consumers’ Motives Associated with Autonomous Driving. American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Conference.
- KLEIN, J.-F., WILHELMS, M.-P., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2018). Value Creation in Peer-to-Peer Asset- Sharing. American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Conference.
- RIEGGER, A.-S., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2018). Personalizing the In-store Experience – An Experimental Research Design. INFORMS International Conference.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., SOWIK, N., HENKEL, S. (2017). Drivers of Autonomous Vehicle Adaption - A Qualitative Assessment of Consumers' Motives. American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting.
- WILHELMS, M.-P., MERFELD, K., SOWIK, N., HENKEL, S. (2017). Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: investigating Car Owners' Participation Motives - A Qualitative Study. American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting.
- SOWIK, N., WILHELMS, M.-P., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2017). The Mediated Effect of Psychological Ownership on Loyalty in Access-Based Consumption. The Case of Carsharing. American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting.
- MERFELD, K., SOWIK, N., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S. (2017). The Mediated Effect of Psychological Ownership on Loyalty in Access-Based Consumption. The Case of Carsharing.. ASSA Conference.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., SOWIK, N., HENKEL, S. (2017). Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: Investigating Car Owners’ Participation Motives - A Qualitative Study. ASSA Conference.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., SOWIK, N., HENKEL, S. (2017). Drivers of Autonomous Vehicle Adaption – a Qualitative Assessment of Consumers’ Motives. ASSA Conference.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S., KREUTZER, K. (2017). Looking into the Future of Autonomous Carsharing – a Delphi Study. INFORMS Annual Conference.
- HENKEL, S., HUESKEN, K. (2017). The Impact of Brand Authenticity on Brand Love - A Conceptual Model. Middle East Conference on Global Business, Finance, and Management Science.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S. (2016). Who Uses Peer-to-Peer Carsharing Anyhow? -Insights Into Motives for Peer-to-Peer Carsharing Usage. Proceedings of the 2016 American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Conference.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S. (2016). Understanding Users of Peer-to-Peer Carsharing – A Means-End Analysis to Uncover Participation Motive. Proceedings of the 2016 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference.
- WILHELMS, M.-P., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2016). Understanding Peer-to-Peer Carsharing Users: A Qualitative Study to Elicit Users' Participation Motives. INFORMS International Conference.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S. (2016). What Drives Autonomous Vehicle Adaption? A Qualitative Study to Elicit Consumers' Motives. INFORMS International Conference.
- WILHELMS, M.-P., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2016). Why Rent a Car from a Private Person?: A Means-End Analysis to Uncover Peer-Users' Participation Motives in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing. 2nd International Workshop on the Sharing Economy.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S. (2016). Get What You Want - a Qualitative Study to Elicit Renters' Participation Motives in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing. SASE.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S. (2016). What Drives Autonomous Vehicle Adaption? A Qualitative Study to Elicit Consumer’s Motives. INFORMS International Meeting.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S. (2016). Understanding Peer-to-Peer Carsharing Users – A Qualitative Study to Elicit Users‘ Participation Motives. 2016 INFORMS International Conference.
- WILHELMS, M.-P., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2016). Why Rent a Car from a Private Person? A Means-End Analysis to Uncover Peer-Users’ Participation Motives in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing. 2nd International Workshop on the Sharing Economy.
- WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S. (2015). Understanding the Peers in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: What motivates participants? What concerns non-users?. Poster presented at the Disrupting Mobility Summit.
- HENKEL, S., HERHAUSEN, D., SCHARFENBERGER, P. (2014). How employees' distance to headquarter affects the influence of internal vs. external communication on employee behavior. European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings, EMAC.
- NEUDECKER, N., EINHORN, M., HENKEL, S., SCHUSTER, H., SAUERMANN, J., LÖFFLER, M. (2014). Scanning customers' emotions while watching advertising: Application of real-time automated facial recognition in market research. European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings, EMAC.
- HERHAUSEN, D., SCHOEGEL, M., HENKEL, S. (2011). Towards a greater understanding of proactive customer orientation: Construct and scale development. American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings, Summer AMA.
- HENKEL, S., WENTZEL, D., TOMCZAK, T. (2009). Could I live up to that ad? The impact of implicit theories of ability on service employees' evaluations of ads. European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings, EMAC.
- HENKEL, S., WENTZEL, D. (2008). The impact of employee behavior on brand personality impressions: The moderating effect of pseudorelevant informations. Advances in Consumer Research (vol. 35, pp. 705-706).
- WENTZEL, D., TOMCZAK, T., HENKEL, S., HERRMANN, A., JENEWEIN, W. (2008). Advertising brands through narratives: the moderating effect of persuasion motives. European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings, EMAC.
- WENTZEL, D., MARTIN, B. A. S., TOMCZAK, T., HENKEL, S. (2007). The impact of susceptibility to normative influence on the effectiveness of consumer testimonials. European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings, EMAC.
- HENKEL, S., SCHEDLER, K. (2007). Is the public sector ready for branding?. EIRASS Conference Proceedings, European Conference of Retailing and Services Studies.
- HENKEL, S., TOMCZAK, T., HERRMANN, A., HEITMANN, M. (2006). The impact of personal employee interaction on brand performance: Theoretical foundation and management approach. European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings, EMAC.
- HENKEL, S., TOMCZAK, T., HERRMANN, A., HEITMANN, M. (2006). Bringing the brand to life - the relevance and managerial control of behavioral branding. EIRASS Conference Proceedings, European Conference of Retailing and Services Studies.
- WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S., MERFELD, K. (2017). You Are What You Share: Understanding Participation Motives in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing. In Meyer, G.; Shaheen, S. (Eds.), Disrupting Mobility - Impacts of Sharing Economy and Innovative Transportation on Cities (pp. 105-119). Springer.
- WENTZEL, D., TOMCZAK, T., KERNSTOCK, J., BREXENDORF, T.-O., HENKEL, S. (2014). Der Funnel als Analyse und Steuerungsinstrument von Brand Behavior. In Esch, F.-R.; Tomczak, T.; Langner, T.; Kernstock, J. (Eds.), Corporate Brand Management: Marken als Anker strategischer Führung von Unternehmen (pp. 227-241). Gabler Verlag.
- BREXENDORF, T.-O., HENKEL, S. (2012). Steuern die Manager oder die Konsumenten die Marke?. In Schulten, M.; Mertens, A.; Horx, A. (Eds.), Social Branding, Strategien - Praxisbeispiele - Perspektiven (pp. 15-31). Gabler Verlag.
- HENKEL, S., BREXENDORF, T.-O. (2012). Die neue Freiwilligkeit - Von sozialen Medien zu sozialisierenden Medien. In Schulten, M.; Mertens, A.; Horx, A. (Eds.), Social Branding, Strategien - Praxisbeispiele - Perspektiven (pp. 181-197). Gabler Verlag.
- VON WALTER, B., TOMCZAK, T., HENKEL, S. (2011). Mitarbeiter zu Markenbotschaftern machen: Steigerung der Dienstleistungsproduktivität durch Behavioral Branding. In Bruhn, Manfred; Hadwick, Karsten (Eds.), Dienstleistungsproduktivität: Innovationsentwicklung, Internationalität, Mitarbeiterperspektive (pp. 375-392). Gabler Verlag.
- HENKEL, S., VON WALTER, B. (2009). Markante Persönlichkeiten, Prominente als Marken der Gegenwartsgesellschaft. In Herbert, Willems (Eds.), Theatralisierung der Gesellschaft, Medientheatralität und Medientheatralisierung (pp. 309-328). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- KILIAN, K., HENKEL, S. (2009). Von der Markenbotschaft zum Markenbotschafter: Mitarbeiter als Mittler der Markenidentität. In Baumgarth, Carsten (Eds.), B-to-B-Markenführung: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Best Practice (pp. 357-377). Gabler Verlag.
- TOMCZAK, T., HENKEL, S., VON WALTER, B. (2009). Roadmap to Brand Behavior - Ganzheitliche Unternehmensführung in dynamischen Märkten. In Hünerberg, Reinhard; Mann, Andreas (Eds.), Ganzheitliche Unternehmensführung in dynamischen Märkten (pp. 307-326). Gabler Verlag.
- KERNSTOCK, J., WENTZEL, D., HENKEL, S. (2008). Kundenwert und Kundenbindung in Dienstleistungsunternehmen. In Fueglistaller, Urs (Eds.), Dienstleistungskompetenz: Strategische Differenzierung durch konsequente Kundenorientierung (pp. 386-405). Versus Verlag.
- HENKEL, S., EBERSBACH, L. (2008). Markenbotschafter im eigenen Haus, Ziele und Strategien des Behavioral Branding Konzepts. In Menges, Jochen; Ebersbach, Lydia; Welling, Christian (Eds.), Erfolgsfaktor Emotionales Kapital, Menschen begeistern, Ziele erreichen (pp. 103-117). Haupt Verlag.
- HENKEL, S., TOMCZAK, T., JENEWEIN, W. (2008). Werbung als Verhaltensvorbild für Mitarbeiter. In Tomczak, Torsten; Esch, Franz-Rudolf; Kernstock, Joachim; Hermann, Andreas (Eds.), Behavioral Branding: Wie Mitarbeiterverhalten die Marke stärkt (pp. 421-446). Gabler Verlag.
- KERNSTOCK, J., HENKEL, S., WENTZEL, D. (2008). Die Dienstleistung als Marke. In Fueglistaller, Urs (Eds.), Dienstleistungskompetenz: Strategische Differenzierung durch konsequente Kundenorientierung (pp. 406-431). Versus Verlag.
- HERRMANN, A., HEITMANN, M., TOMCZAK, T., HENKEL, S. (2008). Determinanten eines erfolgreichen Behavioral Branding. In Tomczak, Torsten; Esch, Franz-Rudolf; Kernstock, Joachim; Herrmann, Andreas (Eds.), Behavioral Branding, Wie Mitarbeiterverhalten die Marke stärkt (pp. 213-236). Gabler Verlag.
- BREXENDORF, T., TOMCZAK, T., KERNSTOCK, J., HENKEL, S., WENTZEL, D. (2008). Der Einsatz von Instrumenten zur Förderung von Brand Behavior. In Tomczak, Torsten; Esch, Franz-Rudolf; Kernstock, Joachim; Herrmann, Andreas (Eds.), Behavioral Branding, Wie Mitarbeiterverhalten die Marke stärkt. Gabler Verlag.
- WENZEL, D., TOMCZAK, T., KERNSTOCK, J., BREXENDORF, T., HENKEL, S. (2008). Der Funnel als Analyse- und Steuerungsinstrument von Brand Behavior. In Tomczak, Torsten; Esch, Franz-Rudolf; Kernstock, Joachim; Herrmann, Andreas (Eds.), Behavioral Branding: Wie Mitarbeiterverhalten die Marke stärkt (pp. 81-100). Gabler Verlag.
- HENKEL, S., TOMCZAK, T., KERNSTOCK, J., WENTZEL, D., BREXENDORF, T. (2008). Das Behavioral-Branding - Konzept. In Tomczak, Torsten; Esch, Franz-Rudolf; Kernstock, Joachim; Herrmann, Andreas (Eds.), Behavioral Branding: Wie Mitarbeiterverhalten die Marke stärkt (pp. 197-212). Gabler Verlag.
- HERHAUSEN, D., HENKEL, S. (2018). Smart Inspiration at the Point of Sale: Connecting In-Store Ad-Impressions with Purchase Data. Marketing Review St.Gallen, St. Gallen, Schweiz.
- HENKEL, S. (2014). Reduce to the Max. Grenzen von Telematiklösungen aus Kundensicht. Business Impact, Vol. 3/2014, Science Corner, Deutschland.
- HENKEL, S. (2014). Mobile Konnektivität - Fluch und Segen zugleich. Business Impact, Vol. 1/201, Science Corner, Deutschland.
- HENKEL, S., HILDEBRAND, C. (2013). Buy Buy - Intelligente Produktkonfiguratoren. Business Impact, Vol. 1/2013, Science Corner, Deutschland.
- HENKEL, S., WENTZEL, D. (2012). Wenn Werbung auch auf Mitarbeiter wirkt. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Deutschland.
- HENKEL, S. (2011). Den Kunden an die Hand nehmen - Marketingkommunikation im digitalen Zeitalter. Handelszeitung.
- TIMMER, S., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2022). Exploring Switching Motives to Multimodal Mobility Behaviour in the Context of Commuting: A Hierarchical Means-End Chain Analysis. SSRN Electronic Journal.