
Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • Corporate Venturing

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann unterrichtet im Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement sowie Strategieberatung mit den Schwerpunkten Emerging Technologies, Innovationsmanagementsysteme, -prozesse, -theorien und -governance sowie strukturierte Problemlösungen. Außerdem leitet er das EBS Onboarding Project, eine Besonderheit unseres Bachelor-Studiengangs Betriebswirtschaftslehre, bei dem die Studierenden die Möglichkeit haben, mit Praktikern aus verschiedenen Unternehmen an einer großen realen Fallstudie zu arbeiten. Dazu gehören viele Impulsvorträge, interaktive Workshops, Firmenpräsentationen und -besuche sowie Fachvorträge von EBS Professoren.



  • SCHÜCKES, M., UNGER, B., GUTMANN, T., FELS, G. (2025). Innovation at the interface: A configurational approach to corporate venture capital. Journal of Business Venturing, 40 (1), 106438. doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2024.106438.
  • VON ZEDTWITZ, M., GUTMANN, T., ENGELMANN, P. (2025). The Nobel “Pride” Phenomenon: An analysis of Nobel Prize discoveries and their recognition. Research Policy, 54 (1), 105150. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2024.105150.
  • KORTUS, L., GUTMANN, T., KREUTZER, M. (in press). Unearthing Role Dynamics within Innovation Ecosystem Emergence: A Case Study of Data-Driven Circularity. R&D Management.
  • FÖRSTL, K., SCHLEE, D., GUTMANN, T. (2024). Buying knowledge-intensive business services: Overarching themes, actor relationships and future research agenda. European Management Review.
  • SHANKAR, R. K., SCHÜCKES, M., GUTMANN, T. (2024). Heterogeneity in organizational search behaviors: The case of corporate venture capital units. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 18 (3), 582-619. doi:10.1002/sej.1508.
  • KORTUS, L., GUTMANN, T. (2023). How do firms build dynamic capabilities to develop sustainable products? A multiple case study in the manufacturing industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 415, 137887. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137887.
  • GUTMANN, T., CHOCHOIEK, C., CHESBROUGH, H. (2023). Extending Open Innovation: Orchestrating Knowledge Flows from Corporate Venture Capital Investments. California Management Review, 65 (2), 45-70. doi:10.1177/00081256221147342.
  • GUTMANN, T. (2023). Organizational Design Choices for Corporate Incubators. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 1-15. doi:10.1109/TEM.2023.3265511.
  • PUNDZIENE, A., GUTMANN, T., SCHLICHTNER, M., TEECE, D. (2022). Value Impedance and Dynamic Capabilities: The Case of MedTech Incumbent-born Digital Healthcare Platform. California Management Review, 64 (4). doi:10.1177/00081256221099.
  • FUCHS, C., GUTMANN, T. (2022). “We know our customers!” ... Really? How technical market segmentation can help build products your customers really need. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 1-1. doi:10.1109/EMR.2022.3140715.
  • GUTMANN, T., LANG, C. (2022). Unlocking the magic of corporate-startup collaboration: How to make it work. IEEE Engineering Management Review. doi:10.1109/EMR.2022.3158490.
  • FELS, G., KRONBERGER, M., GUTMANN, T. (2021). Revealing the underlying drivers of CVC performance - a literature review and research agenda. Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurship Finance, 23 (1), 67-109. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13691066.2021.1873210.
  • SCHÜCKES, M., GUTMANN, T. (2021). Why do startups pursue initial coin offerings (ICOs)? The role of economic drivers and social identity on funding choice. Small Business Economics, 57 (2), 1027-1052. doi:10.1007/s11187-020-00337-9.
  • GUTMANN, T., KANBACH, D., SELTMAN, S. (2019). Exploring the benefits of corporate accelerators: investigating the SAP Industry 4.0 Startup Program. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17 (3), 218-232. doi:10.21511/ppm.17(3).2019.18.
  • GUTMANN, T. (2018). Harmonizing corporate venturing modes: an integrative review and research agenda. Management Review Quarterly, 69 (2), 121-157. doi:10.1007/s11301-018-0148-4.

  • NEUMANN, S., SCHÜCKES, M., GUTMANN, T., LANDAU, C. (2023). Towards a Theory of Investment Ties: How Tie Strength Affects Venture Performance. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2023 (1).
  • SHANKAR, R. K., SCHÜCKES, M., GUTMANN, T. (2021). Heterogeneity in search and investment behavior among corporate venture capital units. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021 (1).
  • SCHMUECK, K., SCHÜCKES, M., MOELLERS, T., GUTMANN, T., GASSMANN, O. (2021). Aligning Platform Ecosystems through Distributed Ledger Technologies. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021 (1).
  • LANG, C., SELIG, C., GUTMANN, T., ORTT, R., BALTES, G. (2021). Guiding through the Fog: Understanding Differences in the Goal Setting of Corporate Entrepreneurship Programs. IEEE (9570217), pp. 1-9.
  • FELS, G., SCHÜCKES, M., GUTMANN, T. (2020). Buffering and bridging under institutional complexity - A configurational approach towards CVC. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2020 (1).

  • SCHINK, A., GUTMANN, T., BRENK, S. (2024). Enhancing Decision-Making with Interconnected Digital Twins: A Car Manufacturer Case Study. 84th Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • GUTMANN, T., SCHINK, A., KREUTZER, M. (2024). Navigating Emerging Ecosystems and Proprietary Solutions to Mitigate Cannibalization Risk. A Case Study in the Manufacturing Sector. 21st Open and User Innovation Conference, Boston, MA, USA.
  • SENGER, R. E., GUTMANN, T., KREUTZER, M. (2024). Narratives in Organizations: A Review and Future Directions. 84th Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • GUTMANN, T., SENGER, R. E., KREUTZER, M. (2024). Narratives in Organizations: A Review and Future Directions. 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan, Italy.
  • GUTMANN, T., HEIDUK, L. (2024). Corporate venture capital in central Europe: Balancing strategic and financial objectives amidst economic volatility. G-Forum 2024, 27th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs. Ingolstadt, Germany.
  • WAGNER, S., GUTMANN, T., NEUMANN, S. (2024). An Ownership Competence Lens on Venture Capital Value Creation for Limited Partners. SMS 44th Annual Conference, Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • GUTMANN, T., SCHINK, A., BRENK, S. (2024). Enhancing Sustainability decision-making with interconnected digital twins: A car manufacturer case study. 31th IPDMC, Dublin, Ireland.
  • CARRARA, F., GUTMANN, T., FREISINGER, E. (2024). Paradoxical tensions in circular economy innovation ecosystems and resolutions strategies. 31th IPDMC, Dublin, Ireland.
  • KREUTZER, M., KORTUS, L., CHOCHOIEK, C., GUTMANN, T. (2023). Walk the Talk: Rebalancing Control Configurations to Implement Sustainability Strategies. the 42nd Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Toronto (Canada).
  • GUTMANN, T., HIRSCHFELDER, O., KREUTZER, K. (2023). Mock Giant’: Exploring the paradoxical dynamics of managerial decisions on sustainability through an ethnographical lens. 37th EGOS Colloqium, Cagliari, Italy..
  • KORTUS, L., GUTMANN, T., KREUTZER, M. (2022). Exploring Role Dynamics During Ecosystem Emergence: Empirical Insights Into an Innovation Ecosystem. SMS 42nd Annual Conference, London, UK.
  • SCHLEE, D., GUTMANN, T., FÖRSTL, K. (2022). Buying knowledge intensive business services: Identifying themes, actor relationships and future research directions through a structured literature review. IPSERA 2022, Jönköping, Sweden.
  • KRONBERGER, M., GUTMANN, T., DUIJSTERS, J. (2022). Hiring in CVC: How industry context affects staffing choices. 9th Annual World of Open Innovation Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
  • RADZIWON, A., PUNDZIENE, A., GUTMANN, T., BEZ, S. M. (2022). Breaking internal silos with inside-in open innovation. 9th Annual World of Open Innovation Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
  • GUTMANN, T., RADZIWON, A., PUNDZIENE, A., BEZ, S. M. (2022). Breaking internal silos with inside-in open innovation. ISPIM Innovation Conference 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • FELS, G., SCHÜCKES, M., GUTMANN, T. (2021). Buffering and bridging under institutional complexity-A configurational approach towards CVC. 37th EGOS Colloquium, online. 37th EGOS Colloqium.
  • KRONBERGER, M., GUTMANN, T., SHANKAR, R. K. (2021). 40 years of CVC research: a systematic review and research agenda. ISPIM Conference, Valencia, Spain.
  • GUTMANN, T., CHOCHOIEK, C., CHESBROUGH, H. (2021). Extending open innovation: Tracing knowledge flows from CVC. 8th Annual World of Open Innovation Conference, virtual, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
  • SHANKAR, R. K., GUTMANN, T., SCHÜCKES, M. (2021). Heterogeneity in search and investment behavior among corporate venture capital units. AOM 2021 Annual Meeting Proceedings, Virtual conference.
  • SCHMÜCK, K., SCHÜCKES, M., MÖLLERS, T., GUTMANN, T., GASSMANN, O. (2021). Aligning platform ecosystems through distributed ledger technologies: A business model perspective towards democratizing configurations. AOM 2021 Annual Meeting, Virtual conference.
  • LANG, C., SELIG, C., GUTMANN, T., ORTT, R., BALTES, G. (2021). Guiding through the fog: Understanding differences in the goal setting of corporate entrepreneurship programs. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC).
  • FELS, G., SCHÜCKES, M., GUTMANN, T. (2020). Buffering and bridging under institutional complexity-A configurational approach towards CVC. AOM 2020 Annual Meeting, Virtual conference.
  • GUTMANN, T., ECKBLAD, J., STUBNER, S. (2018). Making sense of smart capital: Defining a comprehensive set of value-adding services offered by corporate venture capital firms. G-Forum 2018, 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs, Stuttart, Germany.

  • GUTMANN, T., LINNEMÜLLER, A., ENDRES, J., WÖDL, A. S. (2023). Der Weg zur erfolgreichen Einführung datengetriebener Geschäftsmodelle.
  • GUTMANN, T., FELS, G., DITSCHE, J., ENGELS, F., KLEIPASS, U. (2021). Corporate Venture Capital. Securing Growth in challenging times.

  • GUTMANN, T., MAISCH, B. (2021). Corporate Venturing Praktiken im Intrapreneurship und das Potenzial von Corporate Venture Buildern. Von der Idee zum skalierbaren Business in 7 Schritten. In Prof. Dr. Rafaela Kraus, Tanja Kreitenweis, Dr. Brigita Jeraj Universität der Bundeswehr München (Eds.), Sammelband „Intrapreneurship – Unternehmergeist, Systeme und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten“. Springer.

  • GUTMANN, T., SATTELBERGER, T. (2025). Smart statt Staat: Wege aus der Innovationskrise. Tagesspiegel Online.
  • GUTMANN, T., SATTELBERGER, T. (2023). Deutschland steckt in der Krise und spielt New Work. Handelsblatt.


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