- Entrepreneurship
- Psychologie
- Economics
- Organizational Behavior
- Strategic Management
Curriculum Vitae
Katrin Burmeister-Lamp hat Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Humboldt -Universität zu Berlin, an der Jönköping International Business School in Schweden sowie an der Universität Paris VIII in Frankreich studiert und anschließend am Institut für Entrepreneurship & Innovationsmanagement (HU Berlin) zum Thema Entrepreneurial Decision Making promoviert. Danach arbeitete sie als Assistant Professor an der Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University) in den Niederlanden. Nach einem Forschungsaufenthalt an der Duke University war sie Juniorprofessorin für BWL, insbesondere Mittelstandsmanagement, an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
- NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2025). Selective revealing for building ecosystems: a conjoint experiment with managers of established firms. R&D Management, 55 (2), 365-384. doi:10.1111/radm.12704.
- VERMEHREN, P., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HEIDENREICH, S. (2023). I am. Therefore, I will? Predicting customers' willingness to co-create using five-factor theory. Journal of Service Management, 34 (3), 341-367. doi:10.1108/JOSM-03-2021-0088.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2022). Digital affordances: how entrepreneurs access support in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Small Business Economics, 58 (2), 637-663. doi:10.1007/s11187-021-00540-2.
- SCHLÜTER, A., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., AUERNHAMMER, J. (2021). No Second Chance for a First Impression: The Role of Aesthetics in Early Access Video Games. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25 (10), 2140002. doi:10.1142/S1363919621400028.
- HSU, D., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., SIMMONS, S., FOO, M.-D., MICHELLE, H., JESSE, P. (2019). “I know I can, but I don't fit": Perceived fit, self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Business Venturing, 34 (2), 311-326.
- ZHU, F., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HSU, D., FAN, S. (2018). An investigation on entrepreneurs’ venture persistence decision: The contingency effect of psychological ownership and adversity. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 67(1), 136-170.
- SMOLKA, K., VERHEUL, I., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HEUGENS, P. (2018). Get it together! Synergistic effects of causal and effectual decision-making logics on venture performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42 (4), 571-604.
- HSU, D. K., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HONG, M. (2017). How does entrepreneurs’ psychological ownership affect their grief after failure? International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 9 (2), 160-180.
- ZHU, F., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HSU, D. K. (2017). To leave or not? The impact of family support and cognitive appraisals on venture exit intention. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 23 (3), 566-590.
- VERHEUL, I., BLOCK, J. H., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., THURIK, R., TIEMEIER, H., TURTUREA, R. (2015). ADHD-like behaviour and entrepreneurial intentions. Small Business Economics, 25, 85-101.
- HSU, D., HONG, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2012). People don’t always grieve after failure: The psychological ownership perspective. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
- BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., LÉVESQUE, M., SCHADE, C. (2012). Are entrepreneurs influenced by risk attitude, regulatory focus or both? An experiment on entrepreneurs´ time allocation. Journal of Business Venturing (27), 456-476.
- BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., SCHADE, C. (2009). Experiments on entrepreneurial decision making - a different lens to look at entrepreneurship. Trends and Foundations in Entrepreneurship.
- BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., SCHADE, C. (2007). Are entrepreneurs' decisions more biased? An experimental investigation of the susceptibility to status quo bias. Journal of Business Venturing, 22, 340-362.
- BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., SCHADE, C. (2005). Status quo bias versus variety seeking: An experimental investigation into situational and individual moderators. Marketing: Journal of Research and Management, 1, 14-25.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (in press). Configurations Of Digital Entrepreneurial Identity: Investigating Barriers And Drivers Of Online Support. Babson College.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (in press). Help! I need somebody – investigating entrepreneurs’ support-seeking behavior in online communities during covid-19 pandemic. Babson College, 2021.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Entrepreneurial support seeking and affordances in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1), pp. 12911.
- NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2022). Selective revealing for building innovation ecosystems: Incumbent firms’ and new ventures’ behaviors. European Academy of Management (EURAM) - Annual Meeting.
- NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2022). Selective revealing for building innovation ecosystems: A conjoint experiment with incumbent firms and new ventures. R&D Management Conference (RADMA).
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2022). Configurations of digital entrepreneurial identity: investigating barriers and drivers of online support. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2022.
- VERMEHREN, P., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HEIDENREICH, S. (2021). If You Ask Me – Handling Active Innovation Resistance Using Customer Co-Creation. 28th International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC).
- VERMEHREN, P., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HEIDENREICH, S. (2021). I am, Therefore I Will? Predicting Customers’ Willingness to Co-Create Using the BIG 5 Personality Factors. International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC).
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Entrepreneurial support seeking and affordances in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Digital Meeting.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Configurations of digital entrepreneurial identity: investigating drivers of uncivil communication. 5th International QCA Paper Development Workshop (PDW) 2021.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Configurations of digital entrepreneurial identity: investigating barriers and drivers of online support. 5th CEnSE Urban and Regional Economics Workshop on Recent Advances in Entrepreneurship.
- MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Help! I need somebody – investigating entrepreneurs’ support-seeking behavior in online communities during covid-19 pandemic. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2021.
- VERMEHREN, P., HEIDENREICH, S., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2020). One size fits all? Investigating cultural differences in consumers’ resistance to innovations. International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC).
- BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., GÄNSER-STICKLER, G., SCHWENS, C. (2019). How can a broad entrepreneurial vision translate into employees’ entrepreneurial behavior? An experimental study. VHB Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
- BAYER, F., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., LANDAU, C. (2019). Effectual behaviour – Designing a measure for individual entrepreneurial behaviour. Effectuation Conference.
- BRUNK, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., URBIG, D. (2018). Why Entrepreneurs Cannot Let Go: New Perspectives on Entrepreneur Delegation Behavior and Psychological Ownership. Academy of Management Specialized Conference.
- GÄNSER-STICKLER, G., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., SCHWENS, C. (2018). How can a broad entrepreneurial vision translate into employees’ entrepreneurial behavior? An experimental study. Babson College Entrepreneurship Conference.
- GÄNSER-STICKLER, G., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., SCHWENS, C. (2018). How can a broad entrepreneurial vision translate into employees’ entrepreneurial behavior? An experimental study. G-Forum, Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovationen und Mittelstand.
- BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HSU, K., SIMMONS, D. K., HONG, M., PIPES, J. (2017). I know I can, but I don’t fit”: Perceived fit, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention. 21. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovationen und Mittelstand (G-Forum).
- BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HSU, K., SIMMONS, D. K., HONG, S. A., PIPES, J. (2017). “I know I can, but I don’t fit”: Perceived fit, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention. VHB Conference [German Academic Association for Business Research] on Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
- BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., ARTINGER, S. (2017). The conflicting role of entrepreneurial passion on the effectiveness of leadership behavior in new ventures. Pfingsttagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
- HSU, D. K., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., ZHU, F. (2016). An experimental study on entrepreneurs’ venture persistence decision: The contingency effect of psychological ownership and financial adversity. 21. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovationen und Mittelstand (G-Forum).
- SMOLKA, K., VERHEUL, I., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2015). Successful entrepreneurs do both: effectuation and causation, and the relation with firm performance. Academy of Management Meeting.
- BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2015). Experiments in entrepreneurship research. Workshop at 5th Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship.
- VERHEUL, I., BLOCK, J., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., TIEMEIER, H., THURIK, R., TURTUREA, R. (2014). ADHD-like behavior and entrepreneurship. VHB Conference [German Academic Association for Business Research] on Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
- SMOLKA, K., VERHEUL, I., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2014). Who is faster? The role of start-up strategies in determining time to first sale and break-even point. Babson College Entrepreneurship Conference.